Sunday, October 30, 2011

Angry or Drunken Driving? Which is worse? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Angry DrivingPicture this. You are calmly driving on the peaceful road; the sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping in blissful harmony. It seems that your Sunday afternoon is going to be perfect, but no luck. All of a sudden, a speeding taxi cuts its way through the thin traffic. Nearby drivers, including you, are startled by the reckless, dangerous driving. This makes you mad. Your blood pressure rises as you wave your fist out the window.

Your anger continues to escalate in a way that your skin might as well start turning green. Chances are, you will pick up speed, swerving in and out with a temptation to teach that driver a lesson. Like this nuisance of a taxi, you start cutting other cars in an attempt to catch up to the driver of this taxi so you could honk at him, shout at him, and give him a piece of your mind.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why Pedestrian Lanes Must Be Followed | Automotive Parts Suppliers

You see them every day. You’ll probably walk across hundreds of them throughout the course of your lifetime. Though there must have been those rare moments where you’ve ignored them, pedestrian lanes are actually an integral part of our road systems. They must be given great attention and value. But what are pedestrian lanes for anyway?

Pedestrian lanes, or pedestrian crossings as they are technically known, are designated areas on the road that assist people in crossing them. These are usually set to limit the places where people can cross in order to avoid chaos on the busy roads. But with the poor implementation of their regulations, is it really still that important to follow pedestrian lanes? Well the answer is: Yes. And here’s why:

The law actually talks about it. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why You Should Always Check Your Tires before Leaving | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I consider some of my precious belongings with great appreciation. I care for them as if they are alive. I give them names, I apologize if I accidentally drop them or scratch them, I talk to them. Insane, I know. But I believe that life is very much easier with those things around. This principle of mine is especially true when it comes to my car.

I have been driving for five years now, but sometimes I still feel that I am a newbie because I simply hop in the car, start the engine and drive off to my destination. Maybe it’s the time constraint, the busy schedule, or my forgetfulness that makes me leave home without even thinking about checking my car first. I resent it sometimes. It’s my fault.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the More Pollution | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Noise PollutionIt seems that Earth is becoming too small and too crowded because of the continually increasing pollution. Even the types of pollution are multiplying. Way back, I was given a feeling of anxiety and surprise when I became aware of “Noise Pollution”. I wasn’t too thrilled to discover that noise is also classified as pollution. Noise in our planet is slowly becoming more and more disturbing. And things are not going to quiet down anytime soon. Before a temptation to deny sets in, I must say that everyone, including you and me, contributes to the existence noise pollution. Let’s back track on its definition.

Noise Pollution is a type of energy pollution wherein annoying and distracting sounds are audible; they are the additional, unwanted waves that interfere with the usual waves occurring in a particular environment. Sounds are considered noise if it disturbs natural or human processes. This type of pollution can cause a variety of health impairments.

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the More Pollution | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Noise PollutionIt seems that Earth is becoming too small and too crowded because of the continually increasing pollution. Even the types of pollution are multiplying. Way back, I was given a feeling of anxiety and surprise when I became aware of “Noise Pollution”. I wasn’t too thrilled to discover that noise is also classified as pollution. Noise in our planet is slowly becoming more and more disturbing. And things are not going to quiet down anytime soon. Before a temptation to deny sets in, I must say that everyone, including you and me, contributes to the existence noise pollution. Let’s back track on its definition.

Noise Pollution is a type of energy pollution wherein annoying and distracting sounds are audible; they are the additional, unwanted waves that interfere with the usual waves occurring in a particular environment. Sounds are considered noise if it disturbs natural or human processes. This type of pollution can cause a variety of health impairments.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How do you avoid modern idols and false gods?

Set God as Lord in your heart

Ask me anything

What is your comment on homosexuality? And how can you lead your friends away from it, given that they are already homosexuals?

Set an example. Don't shun them away - but let them know that it is not a natural thing. Everyone has a choice.

Ask me anything

how can i be influential person? i live in very poor community and i am educated.that is why i want. so how is it possible

Develop your leadership skills. Read John Maxwell books

Ask me anything

Do you ever feel like everything in your life is so great it scares you because you think something will happen to ruin it? :)

Yep! Only God can be our security - coz anything can happen

Ask me anything

how do you draw the line between being in a "romantic relationship" and "best friends only" (daw :|), between a boy and a girl?

It's like asking how do you know up to where you can touch a fire without being burned

Ask me anything

what is your view of salvation?

It is asking Christ to come into your life as both your Lord and Savior. An act of surrender and taking over.

Ask me anything

Do you believe in the big plan against all god's followers that's gonna take place next year?!


Ask me anything

Dear Sean, i am no longer a virgin. How can i bring back my virginity spiritually and how can i convince my bf that my next sex will be on my honeymoon.

Set your heart on God. If you really love Him, you will live a life that says 'Jesus is better than sin' - your bf should lead you. Pray that he gets to love God above his fleshly desires. It's tough - in fact, it's impossible apart from God. Keep apart from your bf first so you can both focus on knowing God more.

Ask me anything

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the Faster the Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

“Vrooom! Vrooom!” – It would be so nice if the muffler of your car sounded like this, right? I bet you would also want your car to be as fast as the car in the video; Well, I do too!  An incredibly fast car, when put into full use, is usually punctuated by a resounding muffler noise. But, have you ever wondered if the loudness of a car’s muffler is related to its speed? Is the speed of a car identified by the noise of its muffler?

It’s a myth! The noise on your muffler could add a couple of horsepower, but it does not ensure a faster speed on your car. Also, cars in general don’t get noisier as they gain speed. It was suggested in findings that when your car reaches its maximum power in top gear, the noise input has also achieves its maximum, even if the car may continue gaining speed. It just seems that most of the good pipes are loud, and that’s because of the added noise, which is due to the less restriction of the exhaust gases. As it was also stated, most of the power-boosting pipes out there are louder than regular pipes. However, it must also be stated that not all loud pipes boost power. Just keep in mind that the faster cars are not always the noisiest.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why a Relaxed Driver is also a Safe Driver | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Driving is an activity that I abundantly love. To be behind the wheel is to subject yourself to great delights: the delight of possessing full control over a machine, the delight of listening to the endless music that comes with it, the delight of catching the cool air that breezes through the open window… everything! Long drives just help me calm down; it is the rare span of time where I can realize deep thoughts and recap old memories.

Relaxed DrivingAlthough, the annoying traffic jams in city roads is a bother that’s almost impossible to avoid. I hate it when another driver suddenly cuts me, breaking a few traffic regulations in the process. Such actions make me angry, causing me to honk my horn real loud, which does nothing to contribute to the already noisy streets. We’ve all been there. It’s sad that driving can’t always be a delightful thing.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ways to Customize/Personalize Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Personalize Your CarWant to drive a car that totally screams ‘you’? If so, you might want to consider car customization. It’s an increasingly popular trend among car owners who want to make a statement with their rides. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to break your bank account just to spruce up your car. There are cheap and affordable ways to do it. The best part of all this is that you can even do some of it on your own! Here are some ideas to get you started.


You can instantly one-up your car’s Wow Factor by giving it a new coat of paint. Better yet, go for a custom paint job – there are endless choices of designs, patterns, and colors to choose from. You can also make your own designs, if you’re the creative type. If you haven’t done a custom paint job before, it’s best to consult a professional and let them handle it – although this can set you back a few hundred dollars. But if you want to DIY, just make sure that you know the proper preparations and you have the necessary materials to complete the job. This is a lot more challenging, but definitely cheaper.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Save up with Tiger Leafsprings | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Tiger Leafspings

Your car is composed of various parts with various functions. Oftentimes, understanding the anatomy and function of the collective purposes of your car components may seem like rocket science. Finding the best possible solution to a broken car isn’t always easy. Like many other drivers, perhaps you’re having problems with the maintenance of the different parts of your car.

One such part, which is crucial when you’re driving on rough roads, is the suspension. The suspension is of great importance, especially when during times where you are required to carry heavy loads. Picking up relatives fresh from the airport is one example. Armed with their countless suitcases, you gotta make sure that your car won’t give in while you’re in the middle of the road. Also, those who have businesses that involve transporting toilsome payloads must take extra care of their vehicles.