Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is an Auxiliary Fan?? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

What is an Auxiliary Fan??


A man who does not know what an auxiliary fan is.

You’re driving your car and you notice that something is wrong… seriously wrong. The mechanic pops the hood up and looks around a mish mash of engineering parts. This is the part where you go, ‘Oooohhhh!’

The mechanic in his dirty gray jumper wipes his hands with a greasy rag tucked in his back pocket. He then turns to you and says, “Your auxiliary fan is not working. The fuse is blown.”

You’re not quite sure what the mechanic is talking about. Instincts lead you to a completely different idea, because the fan blower seemed to work fine when you switched on the air conditioner this morning. Afraid to sound stupid and end up being charged extra as a result of it, you nod your head and pull out a wad of cash hoping not to hear about the problem again.

As you drive home, you wonder, ‘What in the hell is an auxiliary fan?’

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