Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to Prevent Your Car from Overheating | Automotive Parts Suppliers

You’re driving your shiny, expensive car, on your way to something you have been looking forward to. A date, perhaps? You glance at the passenger’s seat and see a bouquet of flowers, waiting to make that special someone happy. You roll your windows down, and don’t mind the heat of the bright, sunny day. But just when you’ve assured yourself that today will be a great day, your engine overheats, and you’re stuck in the middle of the road. Tough break. 

Stuck in the middle of the road because your car overheated?

We at Automotive Part Suppliers are against those kind of days, and would very much like not to see anyone in the middle of the road sitting beside their steaming car. So today, we’ll give out a few tips that could help you keep on driving. 

"Chillin with my ride" | Automotive Parts Suppliers is now holding a Photo contest on Facebook!

To join the contest, you only need three things:

  • A Vehicle
  • A Camera
  • Yourself


Take a picture of yourself beside your choice of vehicle and make a pose of your preference.

Upload the picture to our Evercool Radiators Facebook Page

Share it with your friends and have them ‘like’ the picture (our advice is to tag them up!)Chillin with my ride

Only one photo entry per fan.

Title of the photo and participant’s name should be clearly indicated when submitting an entry

Winning Condition:

The picture with the most Facebook ‘like’s by the end of February 15 wins!

“Tiger Look” | Automotive Parts Suppliers is now holding a Photo Contest on Facebook!

Tiger Leafspring

To join the contest, you only need two things:

  • A Camera
  • Yourself


10,000 pesos and recognition in our blog!


Take a picture of yourself with a Tiger ‘Grrrrr’ pose. Be creative!

Upload the picture to our Tiger Leafspring Facebook Page

Share it with your friends and have them ‘like’ the picture (our advice is to tag them up!)

Only one photo entry per fan.</span>

Title of the photo and participant’s name should be clearly indicated when submitting an entry. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tips and Tricks in Buying a Used Radiator | Automotive Parts Suppliers

According to the latest study conducted by the United States transportation department, one of the ways to ensure smooth driving is through frequent radiator check- ups. Although many may view the routine check- ups as cumbersome, they are certainly worth the hassle because check-ups – especially for a vital automotive part such as the radiator – can save you a lot of time and money in the future. Radiators are responsible for your vehicle’s cooling system and it only goes that you should treat it with utmost respect. Without support from its “wingman,” your engine would perish due to overheating! So if your radiator is not working properly, it is best to replace it.

I have to admit that it is quite difficult to find an affordable brand-new radiator, which is why most people have resorted to buying used radiators.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Symptoms of a Leaking Radiator — Automotive Parts Suppliers

According to the National Automotive Radiator Repair Association (NASRA) of the U.S., the lifespan of the radiator has more to do with radiator leaks rather than with mileage. The environment plays a huge part in this area more than you could imagine. Factors such as heat, assorted debris and chemical reactions can cause radiators to erode and begin to leak. Spotting and recognizing these symptoms can save you time, money, and also help you avoid accidents.

I find that thinking of an active volcano helps me remember these symptoms better. As you know, active volcanoes have lava, and lava is a colored substance much like our first clue.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

6 Simple Steps to Determine Correct Ride Height — Automotive Parts Suppliers

Determining your vehicle’s ride height may seem like a daunting task. It’s necesary for maintaining your suspension system –which includes your leafsprings and shackles, among others – and getting your vehicle’s ride height certainly can’t be done by looking at the vehicle alone. You can’t just go on and say “Oh, I’d like to have my car raised to about maybe thiiiiis height?” What you need to do is to pick out the set of wheels or tires you’ll be using.