Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Facts about Turbo Engines | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Heads up, car lovers! Turbo cars might just be the next big thing in the automotive industry, but how do you know if they’re the right car for you? “Turbo” is a world that basically signifies the act of going real fast, but unbeknownst to many, turbo engines have other benefits aside from the speed it adds. Here’s a quick know-how in choosing the right engine for you.

Turbo Engine1) Fuel Consumption

Turbo engines are actually smaller compared to regular engines, which make them more fuel efficient. However, the downside in this is that turbo engines normally require a more expensive type of fuel than ordinary engines. Say for example that the turbo engine has only four cylinders compared to the six of a regular engine; this statistic can shoot fuel savings up to 20%.

How Older Cars Have Become Less Fuel Efficient | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A 2012 Honda Civic is very much different from its 1991 version not just in terms of its looks, but in performance as well. Some of us would say that having an old car may be practical, especially to those who can’t really afford to buy the latest models.  It makes perfect sense at first, but did you know that owning an old car can be as expensive as owning a car that is brand new?

90's Honda Car Model

Older cars need replacement of parts more often, and its fuel consumption is far less economical compared to modern models. Such a problem in fuel efficiency is the result of the inevitable “Wear and Tear”, which pertains to the important parts of the car that needs to be replaced every now and then. Wear and Tear parts have a big role in fuel consumption, Take a look at some of the factors listed below; all of these contribute to the drastic increase of fuel consumption in older cars:

What to Do if you Come Across a Corrupt Traffic Enforcer | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Traffic Jams are one of the most annoying things in… life. Cultural cities like Manila and Beijing are all prone to heavy traffic that hinders its possibilities of growth and development. Tourists end up being too scared to drive in the city. Locals continuously hope they don’t get caught in traffic. As a result, the government has to train traffic enforcers to deal with the situation. Traffic enforcers are tasked to lead traffic in the most seamless way possible. At the same time, they are also required to watch for road manners that are against traffic rules and regulations.

Dealing with Corrupt Traffic EnforcersWhile that seems like an honorable job, there are others who use the job as a way to manipulate and take advantage of drivers. Instead of fairly handling situations, corrupt traffic enforcers secretly and subtly ask for “financial compensation”, commonly known as bribes. Bastards. Sometimes, they even go as far as having to wrongly accusing drivers. On the other hand, drivers won’t be able to do something about it. Either they get a ticket and waste quality time on the road or they pay and get on with it.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Qualities of a Great Repair Shop | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Trusted Repair ShopIf you are an Average Joe of a driver, chances are that you are good steering wheel but not exactly familiar with things like troubleshooting and repairs. When you encounter problems with your vehicle, the logical thing to do is to run to the nearest repair shop. But proximity can never guarantee great quality. There are countless of automotive stores out there, but how can you determine the one that will give you the best advice, the best service, the best products? In this article we will tackle just that. Let us take this time to spot the characteristics that make up a trusted repair shop.

1) Respect for the Customer

This is a characteristic that you will see right off the bat as soon as you set foot in an auto repair shop. (In fact, this is a trait that is true to any kind of shop.) A great car repair man will treat his customer with respect and will not be boastful in his knowledge about cars. Sincerity and humility are things that good employees have; they project themselves as the same level as you as he assesses the situation at hand. If he treats people with respect, there is a comforting assurance that he’ll view your car with value as well.

Finding the Bad Smell Inside your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Riding in a car with bad odor can be increasingly disturbing if you don’t find the time to get rid of the smell. While you can ignore it all you want, you’ll only end up letting that awful stench grow stronger in time. And if you don’t want to risk being made fun of or talked about, you might want to stop giving people a ride for some time. The only way to suppress this smell is to get rid of its source. Here are a few places that might help you find the culprit.

Smelly CarStart with the easy locations by taking a look at the obvious spots. It isn’t uncommon for cars to smell bad. In fact, unless you have it cleaned once a week or so, an unpleasant odor will soon develop within your automobile. Before you go snooping around for unusual sources, use your instinct first by inspecting common areas and work your way from there. If you have kids, then it’s possible that they may have spilled food and drinks inside the car. Check your carpets and upholstery to see of any signs of spilled perishables.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Car Restoration | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car Restoration is the practice of mending any particular car part that is in need of a specific repair.  Car owners resort to this kind of renovation to lessen the financial burden of buying a new car or upgrading it.  Most of the time, it is the indispensable engine that is subject to those necessary repair. Once a certain engine has reached a certain point of degradation where it can no longer perform its vital function, it is replaced with similar models that have the same capacity and capability as the one being changed.

Car RestorationComplete restoration will be very expensive for the owner when it comes to changing essential parts of the vehicle.  Sometimes, buying a new part may be more practical than opting for restoration.  In acquiring a firsthand car, one can be sure that all parts are real and that they are at the peak of its usability.  It can spare the anxiety of being duped, which is something that has become quite common  in instances where the owner can’t tell for sure if his new car part is original or not.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How Run-Flat Tires Work | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Run-Flat TireOur vehicles’ tires are the essential workforce that makes it possible for our cars to move on the streets. The very first batches of tires seem extremely prone to puncture and other damages, but a few decades ago, the breakthrough of increased resistance to pressure of steel belt tires made driving much safer. But still, this technology cannot stop the hundreds of car-related accidents on the roads due to all sorts of tire failure. To further maximize safety, tire manufacturers have paid much attention to improving auto rubber by developing an advanced next-generation tire technology called run-flat tires. In this article, let us discuss what this technology is and how they work to keep you safe rolling along the roads!

Run Flat Tires and their Role

Let us start by first discussing a standard tire, which depends solely on internal air pressure along with sturdy sidewall construction and multi steel belts. The collaborative effects of these features help maintain your tires as it goes on the road. To support the weight, the standard tire’s pneumatic pressure works with the physical structure of the tire to support a vehicle’s weight. The air also serves as a cushion to counter the impacts of road surface irregularities. So as the tire loses air due to successive loads and impacts in its travels, the ability of the tire to hold the vehicle up and to counter act road punishment will therefore diminish. Once a tire reaches a breaking point, it can suddenly go flat, which in turn can cause serious car accidents. Tough it can

When to Rotate your Car's Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Rotating your Car's TiresTires are like pencils. If you sharpen one side of a pencil too much, it’ll end up breaking when you use it. Instead, you have to make sure to sharpen every side of the pencil as even as you can. This is similar to driving. When you drive, you end up throwing the weight of your car around, leaving patterns of erosion on the tires. If you use your tires too much without rotating them, you’ll end up wearing out your tires unevenly. This is why it is important to know when to rotate your tires to the right locations.

The wearing out of tires is inevitable. It may be because of the weight dispersion of your car. It may even be because you have an uneven alignment. The tires at the front usually end up with accidental bruises from parking, steering and braking. At the same time, they also carry the weight of the engine. In these situations, the tires in front are likely to wear out faster than those at the back.