Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 3 Steps of How to Clay Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Sometimes, waxing your car is just not enough. Sure, you finish it clean and shiny. But try placing your hand in some plastic bag or zip-lock and rub it over the car’s surface – you’ll feel the roughness like sand paper. The jagged coarseness is because of contaminants like brake dust and industrial fallout that is burning its way through the car’s paint. In this post, you will learn how to remove these contaminants with a clay bar—with just 3 easy steps!

1.     Wash your car with a dish-washing liquid detergent.

The liquid detergent will remove any wax that may help seal in the contaminants on the paint. But still, regular car wash is made not to strip wax, so it may not be as effective. Hence we go to step 2.

Claying of Car

2.     Take out the clay bar and knead the piece until it gets softer.

You may want to chop the clay bar into three of four pieces just in case you drop a piece. If you drop it accidentally on the ground, throw away the clay because it may have picked up dirt that will scratch your paint. After enough kneading, flatten it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to Avoid Traffic in Edsa (Alternate Routes) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

It’s the holiday season once again and we are confounded by the same problem that has continually plagued us through the years: Traffic. An annoying addition to this nuisance are long parking queues that waste our precious time- time that should otherwise be spent for buying presents and decorations. We all know how these nerve-racking hindrances, if not controlled, could result in unwanted violent verbal outbursts and deadly car collisions. None of us wants any of that.

This year, the MMDA has opened 33 additional lanes to its portfolio of Mabuhay lanes (otherwise known as Christmas lanes), which has proven to be effective in decongesting Metro Manila’s main artillery, EDSA.  Mabuhay lanes were initially introduced by its former chairman, Bayani Fernando, which in turn received a warm reception from the general public. Make no mistake; Mabuhay lanes are passable not only during the holiday season but also throughout the year.

The following is a complete list obtained from the official website of MMDA.


From McArthur Highway:

-Right turn to Samson Road, C-4/Letre, R-10, A. Bonifacio, Roxas Blvd., to destination.

The North Luzon Expressway

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is Defensive Driving? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Defensive DrivingAll drivers share mutual responsibilities that pertain to the rules of the road. The lives of his passengers, the driver’s own life, the car’s well-being, and the lives of the people around the road are part of the driver’s responsibilities whilst behind the wheel, whether it be on a furious highway or on a small, quiet street inside a subdivision. Whatever he does, good or bad, will contribute to the condition of the traffic he is in. That is why there is sadness in the thought that most drivers nowadays don’t consider these little things. It is wise to be aware of the basic principles behind driving; one of such principles is called Defensive Driving.

If I were to guess, I would say that most people know the basic meaning of Defensive Driving, especially the ones who drive their own car. Defensive driving is a philosophy that follows a principle of safe driving for both drivers and passengers. The driver who aims to apply this must commit in a style of driving that would avoid all threats of accidents and law-breaking. Defensive driving could be practiced through several ways. Below are the essential tips that, if followed, will lead to efficient and effective Defensive Driving.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

3 Things to Know in Replacing Your Side Mirrors | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Broken Side MirrorIt’s a hassle to have your side mirrors broken or severely damaged as to be rendered unusable. How can you park, check the sides of your car while driving, or make sure the road is clear before switching lanes if you are without side mirrors? You’re probably thinking of a way to have it fixed. Maybe you’ve already resolved that you’re going to bring it to a repair center and pay someone to fix it. Well, to be honest, that’s not entirely a bad idea. But trust me; it’s not the best one out there. Why? Because such things can be done by yourself, of course!

Just to clarify the purposes of this article, I’m not going to take you through a step-by-step instruction guide on how to replace your side mirrors. Rather, I’m going to tell you about the things you need to know in replacing your side mirrors. However, in doing so, you’d probably end up with the basic knowledge pertaining to the process of the act itself.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What to do When your Car Keys Get Lost | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Lost Car KeysThe Car Keys are one of the most significant possessions of every car owner out there.  Without it, you’re driving nowhere. Every day activities like food-shopping and friend-visiting are much more comfortable within the control of our vehicle. So what if one day you suffer the inconvenience and frustration of losing your car keys? Admit it. We’ve all been there before, and we don’t like it all. Below are some tips you can do when your car keys gets lost.

Look around!

Survey every suspicious area of your house- you might be able to find a General Motors Dealership somewhere around. This is where they keep records of the keys for specific cars. Take your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). The VIN is a serial number used by car dealers to identify each specific vehicles they have manufactured. Most recently manufactured cars have their VINs located right below the front part of the windshield. Usually, it is on a small square underneath the tinted area. Note that the location and appearance of the VIN will vary depending on the Year of Manufacture and Car Price. Take you VIN to a General Motors Dealership and you should be able to acquire a new set of keys for your car.

Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Avoid Traffic This Christmas Season | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Avoiding Christmas TrafficThis Christmas season, people will be, once again, rushing through the streets, shopping for Christmas gifts and preparing for family gatherings. That the number of travelers will dramatically increase during the Christmas season is an obvious and unavoidable fact.

With all the parties, reunions, and holidays fast approaching, everyone wants to enjoy their Christmas vacation without going through the common hassles.  The following tips that I shall list and elaborate should help you avoid traffic this Christmas season. If they are considered and applied, you should be able to maximize the mirthful memories during your entire Christmas vacation.

How to Properly Take Care of Your Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Tire MaintenanceMost people spend a great deal of time and money on their cars and the accessories that go with them. But sadly, not all the parts can receive equal care in terms of the necessary maintenance. One of the most essential components of cars that often go neglected are the tires, which only garner our attention the moment they go flat. Not good. If your tires are not functioning right, you could actually be damaging your vehicle as well as losing money for replacement costs, not to mention the fuel efficiency aspect.

Now you don’t have to be a professional car mechanic or an employed worker in a vulcanizing station to understand the fundamentals of “Tire Care.” Every driver who intends to take proper care of his/her tires should consistently examine the tires regarding air pressure and possible inflations, ensuring that regular maintenance is catered. If this routine is repeated with dedication, driving will be more secure and gas will not be wasted.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Is it Okay to Pass Edsa this Christmas Season? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just thinking about the crowded roads of EDSA breaks my heart. From those early mornings where everyone is rushing to go to the office, right up to those busy nights where everyone is funneling their way home, the slow-moving traffic in Edsa is indeed a frustration for every driver that has ever encountered it.

Epifanio De Los Santos Avenue is formerly known as Highway 54, stretching 24km. from North Avenue, Quezon City to Taft Avenue, Manila. Given that the road is long and winding, it makes you wonder how the worst of traffic jams can occur in such an open highway.

Heavy Traffic in Edsa

Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Prevent your Car from Overheating | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Oftentimes, when a car exceeds five years of constant usage, parts of it will naturally become more prone to malfunctions. No matter how dedicated you are in the safeguarding of your car, time will eventually take its toll on its components, including the essential engine. The engine is what keeps every car running. Without it, our car would be an “empty can”. Because of this, engines should always be taken cared of at a highest level of maintenance possible.

Overheating CarEngines are rather complex machines, but some of its most basic parts include: the cylinder, spark plug, pistons, fan belt, and the radiator. All of these parts, among many others, would have their own roles in making the car run smoothly. Hence, once the engine is “at work”, it produces heat that transforms oil into energy, causing our cars to run. Knowing this makes it clear that heat is a principle that drivers and riders of cars should be well aware of. One must know that if the engine is overwhelmed with too much heat, a lot of damage could result not only to the condition of the car, but also to the health of the car’s occupants. Below are some tips on how to prevent your car from overheating: