Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why you Shouldn't Overload your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

You are about to engage yourself in an exciting road trip. You’ve packed five huge bags with enough equipment to let you live alone in the jungle for a month. You’ve checked your tires and buckled your seatbelts. You’ve convinced yourself that you’re absolutely ready to go.

Not quite.

Overloaded CarEvery car has a recommended maximum combined weight of cargo and passengers. This is called payload. Exceeding this capacity will cause a damaging amount of stress on your car’s tires, shocks and springs. These three important car parts keep vehicles under control and on the road.

Things to consider before Getting a Repaint | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A Car Repaint is usually costly, especially here in the Philippines. Nowadays, a simple car repaint would cost around 20,000 pesos (equivalent to 480 US dollars), which is a considerably huge amount of cash. If you a dedicated car lover like me, we’d agree that our precious car is somewhat entitled to one of those refreshing repaints. But before I started saving for such a costly paint job, I researched on the necessary factors that needs to be considered. Below, I found a few important things to consider before getting a car repainted.

Getting a Paint Job

Expense: As I have mentioned earlier, getting a car repainted is not cheap whatsoever! It requires a lot of money especially for people like me who have just begun their career.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Avoid Side Mirror Thieves | Automotive Parts Suppliers

It’s been a long day. You walk back to your neatly packed car, eager to drive home for a good night’s rest. But the moment you arrive at your parking spot, you immediately notice that something is missing! Your side mirrors! They’re gone! The thieves were only interested in the wing mirrors, as they scratched up the area around the mirror and broke its frame horribly.  You have heard this story many times before, and you did not expect the same thing to happen to you. Side mirrors, though small in size, are relatively costly to replace nowadays.

Side Mirror ThiefCars with broken or no side mirrors are pretty uncomfortable for drivers. So once one or both of your side mirrors are gone, you have to immediately buy a replacement. This means that you’d also have to purchase the parts that are associated with them, which includes the appropriate cover, frame, and sometimes if affected, even a new rubber gasket and wiring harness. It’s a real stab in the wallet. That is why, in this article, we’ll give you suggestions on how to prevent your side mirrors from being stolen.

What to Do When You Lose Your Brakes | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

As the population of automobiles on the road increases, so does the number of car accidents. Drivers should become more cautious. Aside from practicing the “no-drink-and-drive” rule and abiding by the road and traffic signs strictly, they should not text, sleep and talk on the phone while driving.

Losing Your Car BrakesTo shy away from accidents, most drivers push the car brakes head on. However, car brakes sometimes fail, and in these instances, they should know how to respond. In this article, we’ll give you useful tips on just how you should handle your car whenever it loses its brakes.

When You Should and Shouldn’t Surrender Your License | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

To simply have a driving licence is not a privilege. Rather, it is an obligation that we need to keep by abiding the traffic rules and regulations governed in the country we live in. But admit it or not, this is a truth that a lot of drivers tend to ignore. This might be the reason why drivers don’t know most of their rights as well.

Surrendering your Driver's License

I myself am not an exemption. I do drive, yes, but I have not memorized all of the traffic rules and regulations of the Philippines. This reminds me of a scenario that occurred just a few months ago. I was driving going to a mall in EDSA-Ortigas when a traffic enforcer asked me to pull over. He pointed out to a “No Swerving” sign. (I was not familiar with that particular sign at the time.) I apologized and said that it was my first time to drive around that area. Uncurl your eyebrows, all ye sceptics! I was telling the truth.

What a First Time Driver Needs to Know – Tips and Advice | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

First Time DriverFirst-time drivers are always eager to grab the keys, turn on the engine, step on the accelerator, and dominate the steering wheel. They yearn to experience that exhilarating feeling that comes from driving on a wide road that’s unhindered by irritable traffic. However, it is also typical for a first-time driver to feel the jitters before getting behind the wheel. Eventually, a driver has to let go of his or her fears. But fearlessness does not equate to stupidity. First-time drivers don’t have to be conquered by jitters if they take note of these essentials before they go off on their first drive.

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

Preparation is an essential ingredient in smooth driving. You have to familiarize yourself with all the road rules to avoid hurting yourself or anyone else on the road, whether it’s a passenger, a pedestrian, or a fellow driver. It’s standard for a driver to check all the imperative car parts before traveling. It does not have to be a thorough inspection everyday – check the tires, gas level, mirrors, seats, windows, etc. The driver should browse the car’s manual, which should ALWAYS be kept inside the glove compartment or the compartments on the front doors. Keep a spare tire in the trunk, as well as repair and maintenance tools.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What a First Time Driver Needs to Know – Tips and Advice | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

First Time DriverFirst-time drivers are always eager to grab the keys, turn on the engine, step on the accelerator, and dominate the steering wheel. They yearn to experience that exhilarating feeling that comes from driving on a wide road that’s unhindered by irritable traffic. However, it is also typical for a first-time driver to feel the jitters before getting behind the wheel. Eventually, a driver has to let go of his or her fears. But fearlessness does not equate to stupidity. First-time drivers don’t have to be conquered by jitters if they take note of these essentials before they go off on their first drive.

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

Preparation is an essential ingredient in smooth driving. You have to familiarize yourself with all the road rules to avoid hurting yourself or anyone else on the road, whether it’s a passenger, a pedestrian, or a fellow driver. It’s standard for a driver to check all the imperative car parts before traveling. It does not have to be a thorough inspection everyday – check the tires, gas level, mirrors, seats, windows, etc. The driver should browse the car’s manual, which should ALWAYS be kept inside the glove compartment or the compartments on the front doors. Keep a spare tire in the trunk, as well as repair and maintenance tools.

What to Do When You Lose Your Brakes | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

As the population of automobiles on the road increases, so does the number of car accidents. Drivers should become more cautious. Aside from practicing the “no-drink-and-drive” rule and abiding by the road and traffic signs strictly, they should not text, sleep and talk on the phone while driving.

Losing your Car BrakesTo shy away from accidents, most drivers push the car brakes head on. However, car brakes sometimes fail, and in these instances, they should know how to respond. In this article, we’ll give you useful tips on just how you should handle your car whenever it loses its brakes.

Slalom vs. Drifting | Automotive Parts Suppliers

SlalomHave you ever thought about racing your car in such a way that you can almost feel like you’re flying? Have you ever desired to take on slalom racing or car drifting? What are the differences between the two in terms of rules and skills required? How do their racing courses differ when it comes to look and feel? How are the winners in both categories determined?


Slalom is considered as the root of motorsports. One does not need to buy a specific car or customized parts in order to participate in this particular species of racing. Slalom takes place in an enclosed paved area, usually in a parking space of a building, or an airport runway, where pylons or those orange traffic cones are used to create a man-made obstacle course for you and your car. Directions as to how the racers will go about the course will be provided.

Road Rage: How Far is Too Far? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Driving may look easy, but there are plenty of times where it can become seriously stressful. When driving, you are torn between the distractions that surround you and the activity that you are actually supposed to be focusing on. A presence of mind is a necessity; keep your cool despite all the things that you find annoying and irritating. Concentrate on the crucial part you are playing as a driver, the captain who is responsible for the safety of the lives of other people.

However, no matter how good you are as a driver and no matter how accustomed you are to the ways of the road, the possibility of you losing your temper is always there. Whether it is heavy traffic jams, or stubborn motorists who keep on violating traffic rules that cause chaos on the road, or just annoying fellows who destroy your day with their unjust and irritating travel habits, it is really a challenge to prevent yourself from getting frustrated, angry, and even violent. There goes road rage.

Road Rage