Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Used Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Used TiresMaintaining your car can be quite expensive. And throughout the life of your car, there will definitely be times where you’ll have to replace different parts to keep your car in perfect shape. When this particular type of situation calls for your attention, it may be very easy to just say: Hey, second-hand parts could still go on for some time right? You might think that this isn’t so bad, especially if you’re planning to sell your car in the not-too-distant future anyway. Well, think again, because this is not a very good idea.

For purposes of this article, we’re going to talk about tires. Now we all know that tires are very expensive, but we also know that they are one of the most important parts of our car. They are built to last through different environments and climates and, oftentimes, it is easy to believe that they will last forever no matter the situation. What we don’t realize is that, like all other parts of our car, tires are subject to intense wear-and-tear.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Affordable Ways to Pimp My Ride (Part 1) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Pimp My RideYou have seen the movies and have played the video games. The flashing lights and hi-tech consoles makes you want to have one. But there are the usual questions that might hold you back. “Where do I start? Will it burn a hole in my pocket?”

As always, that is what I’m here for, my dear friend. Today you and I shall have a productive talk about sound systems. Now before we continue, I have to explain the main components of the sound system and how to choose the optimum configuration for your car.

We must be all aware that, when it comes to sound systems, we have to know that there are three main components. These are the head unit, the speakers and, in some cases, the amplifier.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What You Should Know About Car Tints | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Whenever anyone sets out to buy a car, a universal question is assured. In fact, it is probably one of the first aesthetic decisions one will have to make immediately after purchase. “Do I want to tint my car? The question is very simple. Yes, the salesman had probably asked you this a hundred times before you even asked yourself, but what does that question means to you? Why do you need a car tint? How is it beneficial to you?

The obvious answer to this is you would want to reduce the heat inside your car. So is that it? Is this article over? Thanks! Unfortunately, that is not it. But fortunately, I shall tell you why.

Tinted Car

While reducing heat is the most obvious benefit of a car tint, there are other features that must be considered, and UV protection is one of them. Like most drivers, you spend a lot of time in your car, and if your car tint can’t protect you from UV rays, then you will be exposing your skin to some long term health problems. Besides the health benefits, car tints also grant you privacy. You wouldn’t want people to keep on staring at you while in traffic, or for people to peek through your windows while it is parked in a public space. Another advantage of car tints, which is probably the most important, is that they grant comfort in your driving. You would want the car tint to reflect enough of glaring light while, at the same time, giving you a good visibility on the road.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why You Need High Performance and Affordable Mufflers | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Your car is your baby and your darling. She is there for you wherever you go and will always be there through thick and thin. Your car will take care of you, but if you don’t treat her well in return, she may just change her mind. And let me tell you from experience, you do not want that to happen.

…”What in the hell is he talking about?”

Here is a question that might be running through your mind right now, and I don’t really blame you. But let me ask you another question, is safety important for you? If the answer is yes then, read on.

Soundex Muffer

I’m sure by now that you are aware of the benefits of your car’s muffler. It functions basically to expel and keep unwanted fumes and emissions away from your car; this is important because we all know that car emissions are hazardous not only to your health, but also to the rest of your family. This is especially true when you have young children, who have systems that are more prone to its hazards.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cool Gadgets for Traveling | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Amazon KindleHave you ever experienced packing for a trip and ending up with too many bulky gadgets? Do you hate those moments where you have to decide what to leave behind, even though all of you’ve packed so far seem equally necessary for your trip? Trust me; we’ve all been there before. That is why we, Automotive Part Suppliers, have cooked up a short list of portable and equally stylish gadgets that’ll prevent you from having to make those annoying decisions.

Amazon Kindle

Anyone can find a companion on a long journey. Some people find it in other people while others find companionship in music and/or books. Observing other travelers from a distance, I’ve seen that most of them lug around bulky novels. Well, if you want to gain more arm muscles, then so be it. Although, I must say that there is a lightweight and price-efficient substitute to those old fashioned novels: the Amazon Kindle. Despite the fact that it can become your own personal portable library (it can carry 1,500 books at the same time), it has also WI-FI compatibility, which makes it a great substitute for both the laptop and the paperback. It’s slim and lightweight, measuring just a third of an inch thick and weighing only 10.2 ounces. Its screen is also perfect for reading anywhere, even under sunlight. You can also download a whole lot of books without having to connect it to a computer, all for free. You save both money and trees using this. This is roughly priced around $189.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why I choose Roberts as my manufacturer | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Thumbs up for RobertsI’m sure your friendly neighborhood mechanic has told you this before. With a smile that can light a million light bulbs, he tells you that his parts are the best in the market, and that no one else supplies his particular parts. But, deep down, you know that the auto parts supplier just down the street sells this and a hundred other brands. So the question is… which auto part manufacturer should you choose?

While I may not list every brand out there in the market, I will list a few and tell you why they are of particular note.

1.)  Evercool Radiator: This particular brand of radiator hit the market in the early 90’s and hit the ground running. The radiators of Evercool Radiator possess a higher-than-standard number of water tubes and cooling fins, which causes it to outperform other radiators in the market. Additionally, Evercool Radiators are subjected to rigorous vibration, pressure and road tests; not to mention that they are also stamped with a 100% leak free certification. Bundle this together with ISO Certifications, and you have yourself a high quality radiator that you know won’t let you down even in the harshest of situations.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things I Love About Driving | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I love DrivingI remember the first car that I drove. It was a 1993 Mitsubishi Lancer; a manual transmission and white in color. With that car, I used to zoom down the highways and navigate tight streets, even though it was a time where I was yet to acquire my license.  I then moved on to several cars, but all of them I loved and treated like a girlfriend.

Driving to me is not just an activity where I move from point A to point B. It is something more. It is magical. It is the time when I am truly by myself. It is the time where I can really crank up the volume on my favorite music and smile as my newest speakers thump in the back. It is the time where I can really take a girl out and spend some quality time with her while on the way to a picnic.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is an Auxiliary Fan?? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

What is an Auxiliary Fan??


A man who does not know what an auxiliary fan is.

You’re driving your car and you notice that something is wrong… seriously wrong. The mechanic pops the hood up and looks around a mish mash of engineering parts. This is the part where you go, ‘Oooohhhh!’

The mechanic in his dirty gray jumper wipes his hands with a greasy rag tucked in his back pocket. He then turns to you and says, “Your auxiliary fan is not working. The fuse is blown.”

You’re not quite sure what the mechanic is talking about. Instincts lead you to a completely different idea, because the fan blower seemed to work fine when you switched on the air conditioner this morning. Afraid to sound stupid and end up being charged extra as a result of it, you nod your head and pull out a wad of cash hoping not to hear about the problem again.

As you drive home, you wonder, ‘What in the hell is an auxiliary fan?’

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Should You Do When Your Car Battery Dies? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Dead Car BatteryIt’s a cool Saturday night and you’re all decked out in a brand new shirt sprayed with your favorite colognes. To top it off, you even had your shoes shined. You can almost be sure that your date would drool at the very sight of you. You grab your car keys and jump into your car. You just cleaned it today to leave a good impression to the lucky girl. A new wax coat and car perfume act as icing to the cake that is you.

You place the key in the ignition and you hear a tired wheezing, you look around to see if anybody is around. Maybe the asthmatic neighbor of yours is having a bad day, but there is no one. You try it again but all you hear is: ‘Click, click, click.’