Sunday, September 30, 2012

Top 5 Security Benefits of a Good Car Tint | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car Tint BenefitsYour car windows provide us drivers with the visibility that we need, but the addition of the right kind of tint will also grant you protection from blinding sunlight and other distracting factors. In this post, we will quickly look at five benefits that go with car tints.

Car Tints and Major Types

Window tints are originally called window films. As the name implies, they are films that are installed in glass windows to reduce glare from the sun and other light sources. They offer some privacy features too if wanted, and they can also upgrade the look of your car. There are several types of car window tints, so let us tackle them briefly before we discuss their benefits. Car tints have two major classifications: those that are based on materials used, and those based on the percentage of tint.

Characteristics of a Good Car Alarm System | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car with Keyless EntryGone are the days when you needed someone to watch your car for you. Almost every car sold in the market has a car alarm system attached to it, allowing you to hear its loud, annoying sound, whenever someone accidentally steps into the car’s vicinity. Unfortunately, while it’s a good way to attract attention to a theft-in-process, it may not be enough to prevent it.

However, you can protect your car with more than just the alerting sounds. Various car alarm systems are now available with a wide selection of options and safety features. Here are some characteristics you might want to consider when looking for an alarm system for your car.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DIY Muffler Replacement | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A muffler is an exhaust system component that reduces the amount of sound produced by the exhaust of a car or motorcycle. While it allows you to drive without the inherent, annoying sound of an exhaust system, it is also a component that requires constant changing because of the unfortunate fact that it easily rusts. Sometimes, you’ll simply feel a subtle urge to replace your muffler with a superior model because, well, you want what’s best for your treasured vehicle.

DIY Car Part ReplacementsBefore we move further, please remember to apply the necessary precautions when you decide to replace your muffler on your own. Besides making your car’s safety a priority, you also have to consider your own. If you’re ready to start, browse through these steps to guide you throughout the replacement.

Common Mistakes in Car Maintenance | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

In we were to make a list of our most expensive possessions, our car will certainly appear somewhere on the top of that list. No wonder many individuals exert a great amount of effort to ensure that their beloved vehicle car is taken care of. But despite our maintenance ploys towards our invaluable automobile, we will sooner or later commit mistakes on the way we maintain our cars. To help ourselves avoid such mistakes, let us observe five common mistakes that numerous car owners commit.

Mistakes in Car Maintenance1) Taking your tires for granted

Your tires are the ones that make direct contact with the dreadful roads you are driving on. With this fact, wouldn’t you want to take excellent care of your tires? Because they are the work force that transports your car’s body, you should not take them for granted. Many drivers are content with their tires as long as they’re not flat, but that alone is not enough! Every once in a while, rotate the position of your tires so that they wear out evenly. Also, take note of your tires’ threads; if they are no longer visible, consider changing your tires. Keep in mind that the average life span of a tire is five years.

New and Innovative Upgrades Available for Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Latest GPS TechnologyTired of the common upgrades of HID headlights, mag wheels, or body kits? Want to stand out without riding the bandwagon of those usual customizations? High-tech upgrades can give you practical benefits and, at the same time, turn your ride into a head-turner! In this article, let us take a look at new innovative concepts that can upgrade your car’s technology!


Navigation and Communication Upgrades

An upgrade in navigation is a most useful upgrade as this is of the primary purpose of your vehicle. The popular GPS technology will always be a good thing to have installed in your car’s dashboard. There are lots of models and brands to choose from, so pick the one that has a great user interface that can be easily be installed. Remember to opt for the version with the latest updates.

Things to Consider before Changing your Horn | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Have you ever thought of actually changing your car horn? I myself have been contemplating whether or not I should replace the horn of my vehicle, which, by the way, still functions properly. But if you compare the power of my car horn with recent models, mine would definitely pose no match. But hey, it’s still doing its job, right? So why change it? Below I have listed some reasons why it is necessary for car owners to change their car horn.

Replacing your Car HornIn certain emergency situations, fellow drivers and defenseless pedestrians would not know that your car would be running their way unless you hunk your horn at them. Though it can be irritating when drivers honk their horn more often that they need to, we cannot deny the fact that it an essential car tool, and that it needs to be kept in tip-top shape.  Maximizing the principle of safe driving involves the maintenance of your car horn, for it gives better precaution for the vehicles and pedestrians in your presence.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Properly Paint Brake Calipers | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Painted Brake CalipersHave you ever wondered about the parts that make your cars stop? If you do, then you probably know about brake calipers. Calipers house the disc brake and disc pads that stop your car once you step on the brakes. If your vehicle possesses open-spoke alloy wheels, this means that your brakes will be visible to the eye as they are not covered by the wheels. Because of this, car owners now have the opportunity to spice up the brake calipers to show them off! Now let us peek into the steps needed to convert your dull calipers into polished stylish ones!

1) Remove the wheels from the vehicle to give you access to the caliper

Depending on the owner, this step can be avoided more so if the wheel space is quite spacious enough for you to easily reach the calipers. But for the best painting precision, it is best to remove the wheels. Start from one side of the car, and then finish off with the remaining side.

Cheap Alternatives for Air Fresheners | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Freshener AlternativesMaybe it’s the over-exposure from the sun, or the spoiled food under the seats, or dried perspiration that we unconsciously leave. Or perhaps it’s due to the lack of necessary maintenance. No matter what kind of stink there is in your car’s interior, it’s surely one that you need to get rid of. We use fancy air fresheners like the famous fake pine tree, the evergreen bough, and the synthetic lemon scent. However, commercial air “fresheners” sometimes only add to the terminal odor. In this article, we will share five cheap alternatives for air fresheners that you can use to give your car a soothing smell.

1) Orange or lemon peels

Go to the market or simply check your kitchen refrigerator. Look for oranges or lemons and remind everybody in the house, including yourself, to not throw their peels away after eating the fruits. You can take the peels and place them in a mesh or net bag draped to your rear-view mirror. Notice the fragrance as the air conditioner blows air out. The smell of citrus is natural and simply refreshing.