Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 3 Steps of How to Clay Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Sometimes, waxing your car is just not enough. Sure, you finish it clean and shiny. But try placing your hand in some plastic bag or zip-lock and rub it over the car’s surface – you’ll feel the roughness like sand paper. The jagged coarseness is because of contaminants like brake dust and industrial fallout that is burning its way through the car’s paint. In this post, you will learn how to remove these contaminants with a clay bar—with just 3 easy steps!

1.     Wash your car with a dish-washing liquid detergent.

The liquid detergent will remove any wax that may help seal in the contaminants on the paint. But still, regular car wash is made not to strip wax, so it may not be as effective. Hence we go to step 2.

Claying of Car

2.     Take out the clay bar and knead the piece until it gets softer.

You may want to chop the clay bar into three of four pieces just in case you drop a piece. If you drop it accidentally on the ground, throw away the clay because it may have picked up dirt that will scratch your paint. After enough kneading, flatten it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to Avoid Traffic in Edsa (Alternate Routes) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

It’s the holiday season once again and we are confounded by the same problem that has continually plagued us through the years: Traffic. An annoying addition to this nuisance are long parking queues that waste our precious time- time that should otherwise be spent for buying presents and decorations. We all know how these nerve-racking hindrances, if not controlled, could result in unwanted violent verbal outbursts and deadly car collisions. None of us wants any of that.

This year, the MMDA has opened 33 additional lanes to its portfolio of Mabuhay lanes (otherwise known as Christmas lanes), which has proven to be effective in decongesting Metro Manila’s main artillery, EDSA.  Mabuhay lanes were initially introduced by its former chairman, Bayani Fernando, which in turn received a warm reception from the general public. Make no mistake; Mabuhay lanes are passable not only during the holiday season but also throughout the year.

The following is a complete list obtained from the official website of MMDA.


From McArthur Highway:

-Right turn to Samson Road, C-4/Letre, R-10, A. Bonifacio, Roxas Blvd., to destination.

The North Luzon Expressway

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is Defensive Driving? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Defensive DrivingAll drivers share mutual responsibilities that pertain to the rules of the road. The lives of his passengers, the driver’s own life, the car’s well-being, and the lives of the people around the road are part of the driver’s responsibilities whilst behind the wheel, whether it be on a furious highway or on a small, quiet street inside a subdivision. Whatever he does, good or bad, will contribute to the condition of the traffic he is in. That is why there is sadness in the thought that most drivers nowadays don’t consider these little things. It is wise to be aware of the basic principles behind driving; one of such principles is called Defensive Driving.

If I were to guess, I would say that most people know the basic meaning of Defensive Driving, especially the ones who drive their own car. Defensive driving is a philosophy that follows a principle of safe driving for both drivers and passengers. The driver who aims to apply this must commit in a style of driving that would avoid all threats of accidents and law-breaking. Defensive driving could be practiced through several ways. Below are the essential tips that, if followed, will lead to efficient and effective Defensive Driving.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

3 Things to Know in Replacing Your Side Mirrors | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Broken Side MirrorIt’s a hassle to have your side mirrors broken or severely damaged as to be rendered unusable. How can you park, check the sides of your car while driving, or make sure the road is clear before switching lanes if you are without side mirrors? You’re probably thinking of a way to have it fixed. Maybe you’ve already resolved that you’re going to bring it to a repair center and pay someone to fix it. Well, to be honest, that’s not entirely a bad idea. But trust me; it’s not the best one out there. Why? Because such things can be done by yourself, of course!

Just to clarify the purposes of this article, I’m not going to take you through a step-by-step instruction guide on how to replace your side mirrors. Rather, I’m going to tell you about the things you need to know in replacing your side mirrors. However, in doing so, you’d probably end up with the basic knowledge pertaining to the process of the act itself.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What to do When your Car Keys Get Lost | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Lost Car KeysThe Car Keys are one of the most significant possessions of every car owner out there.  Without it, you’re driving nowhere. Every day activities like food-shopping and friend-visiting are much more comfortable within the control of our vehicle. So what if one day you suffer the inconvenience and frustration of losing your car keys? Admit it. We’ve all been there before, and we don’t like it all. Below are some tips you can do when your car keys gets lost.

Look around!

Survey every suspicious area of your house- you might be able to find a General Motors Dealership somewhere around. This is where they keep records of the keys for specific cars. Take your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). The VIN is a serial number used by car dealers to identify each specific vehicles they have manufactured. Most recently manufactured cars have their VINs located right below the front part of the windshield. Usually, it is on a small square underneath the tinted area. Note that the location and appearance of the VIN will vary depending on the Year of Manufacture and Car Price. Take you VIN to a General Motors Dealership and you should be able to acquire a new set of keys for your car.

Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Avoid Traffic This Christmas Season | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Avoiding Christmas TrafficThis Christmas season, people will be, once again, rushing through the streets, shopping for Christmas gifts and preparing for family gatherings. That the number of travelers will dramatically increase during the Christmas season is an obvious and unavoidable fact.

With all the parties, reunions, and holidays fast approaching, everyone wants to enjoy their Christmas vacation without going through the common hassles.  The following tips that I shall list and elaborate should help you avoid traffic this Christmas season. If they are considered and applied, you should be able to maximize the mirthful memories during your entire Christmas vacation.

How to Properly Take Care of Your Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Tire MaintenanceMost people spend a great deal of time and money on their cars and the accessories that go with them. But sadly, not all the parts can receive equal care in terms of the necessary maintenance. One of the most essential components of cars that often go neglected are the tires, which only garner our attention the moment they go flat. Not good. If your tires are not functioning right, you could actually be damaging your vehicle as well as losing money for replacement costs, not to mention the fuel efficiency aspect.

Now you don’t have to be a professional car mechanic or an employed worker in a vulcanizing station to understand the fundamentals of “Tire Care.” Every driver who intends to take proper care of his/her tires should consistently examine the tires regarding air pressure and possible inflations, ensuring that regular maintenance is catered. If this routine is repeated with dedication, driving will be more secure and gas will not be wasted.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Is it Okay to Pass Edsa this Christmas Season? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just thinking about the crowded roads of EDSA breaks my heart. From those early mornings where everyone is rushing to go to the office, right up to those busy nights where everyone is funneling their way home, the slow-moving traffic in Edsa is indeed a frustration for every driver that has ever encountered it.

Epifanio De Los Santos Avenue is formerly known as Highway 54, stretching 24km. from North Avenue, Quezon City to Taft Avenue, Manila. Given that the road is long and winding, it makes you wonder how the worst of traffic jams can occur in such an open highway.

Heavy Traffic in Edsa

Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Prevent your Car from Overheating | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Oftentimes, when a car exceeds five years of constant usage, parts of it will naturally become more prone to malfunctions. No matter how dedicated you are in the safeguarding of your car, time will eventually take its toll on its components, including the essential engine. The engine is what keeps every car running. Without it, our car would be an “empty can”. Because of this, engines should always be taken cared of at a highest level of maintenance possible.

Overheating CarEngines are rather complex machines, but some of its most basic parts include: the cylinder, spark plug, pistons, fan belt, and the radiator. All of these parts, among many others, would have their own roles in making the car run smoothly. Hence, once the engine is “at work”, it produces heat that transforms oil into energy, causing our cars to run. Knowing this makes it clear that heat is a principle that drivers and riders of cars should be well aware of. One must know that if the engine is overwhelmed with too much heat, a lot of damage could result not only to the condition of the car, but also to the health of the car’s occupants. Below are some tips on how to prevent your car from overheating:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Determine the Best Car for You | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Lindsay Lohan and HerbieThe process of purchasing a car from a car dealership is far more complicated than choosing a meal from a menu. Sure, car companies keep presenting us with never-ending lists of appealing cars, but we can’t just spin a pen on the ground and hope for the best. Finding that car requires a specific set of knowledge and skills. Thorough analysis should be implemented for I am sure that most of us plan to cling to that car for a long period of time. But how can we really measure our competence when it comes to choosing the right car?

First and foremost, buyers should know how much they intend to spend for the car. A precise budget would help us narrow down which brand and type of car we would buy. But don’t fret. A limited budget doesn’t necessarily imply that you’ll end up stuck with a mediocre car. It would just mean that you will have to lower your standards for a Dream Car. However, if money isn’t an issue at all, then go ahead and just buy a damned Ferrari.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

When Your Car is Due for Check-Up | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Mechanic Inspecting CarPeople who aim to take excellent care of their precious car can face requirements that can be just as demanding as the needs of a kid. You need to find a scheduled time to wash it, feed it (with gas), buy stuff for it and… yes, even take it out for those occasional check-ups. Your car needs to be kept healthy, so maintenance is a MUST. I’m pretty sure that no driver out there would want their car to crash down on them because of poor performance.

Some people are not well-informed when it comes to the status of their car’s physical condition. This is bad. Lots of time and money can be lost if one fails to detect the day where their car is longing for that necessary check-up. To avoid this dilemma, consider the pointers given below.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Make Driving a Personal Skill | Automotive Parts Suppliers

So you drive a car – it could be the family car, a friend’s car that you borrow, or your own car. You know the basics, so whether it’s a stick shift or an automatic, you’re good with it. However, it’s a possibility that driving for some of you is a like a task or an obligation, when it should be as a identified as an enjoyable leisure activity.

Does driving sometimes seem like a duty to you? Do you feel that people’s judgment of you is placed on the line whenever you drive, making you nervous? Perhaps these unfulfilling feelings are caused by a flawed outlook of driving. That is why, by the end of this article, you will gain an idea of how to make driving a personal skill, eliminatnig those feelings of impersonality and lack of enjoyment when driving.

A Happy DriverLook At It Positively

Before I go on, I’d like to expound on the term “personal skill.” A personal skill is something you do (such as driving) that you are extremely at home and familiar with. It’s something that you won’t mind doing since you enjoy doing it. Now in the case of driving, you can’t naturally enjoy driving unless you first think of the activity itself with a positive light. Don’t drive with a hard, heavy, nor nervous attitude. Think of driving as a privilege. Yes, there will be responsibilities, but it should be viewed with the opportunity to make the streets a better place.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Advantages of Being Stuck in Traffic | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Stuck in TrafficIt’s a cool Friday night, and you’re driving home from a week’s worth of nerve-racking work. And as you find the peace in the thought of a warm bed waiting for you at home, you find yourself stuck in a familiar hindrance. This unexpected, frustrating halt is what’s commonly called a traffic jam. Should you allow aggravation to set in? Will you stress yourself further by complaining about a situation that’s totally out of your control? Here is an article telling that shares comfort in the truth that being stuck in traffic cannot be all that bad. And here’s why:

A Time to Clear Your Mind

What do you usually do when you’re alone in the car or inside a public transportation vehicle? If you’re like me, I usually engage in the act of… thinking. This opportunity to do some serious thinking should not be underestimated, considering a lot has happened during the week so far. It can help you look back at the problems you’ve faced, where you can reflect on them, and be at peace with them.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How to Repair Car Scratches | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Scratched CarYour car is your baby; you love her and you would do anything for her. However, no matter how careful you may be, there will always be that instant when your car will get an unsightly scratch. Just like the unwanted pimple on your face, you want it to go away. But you know that, in order to prevent further damage, you have to be extremely gentle when removing it.

It doesn’t matter if you scratched your car while you are mobile or parked. It doesn’t even matter if your actions had done nothing to cause the scratch. What matters is that you attend to it quickly. It is important to note that not all scratches can be erased. If a particular scratch is deep enough to go through the paint, the car must be brought to a shop for some necessary repainting. But, if the scratch is thin and shallow, there is a way for you to get rid of it safely and quickly without having to pay for expensive services.

Truth or Myth: The Faster the Car, the More Accident Prone the Driver Is | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Speeding CarYour usually-dependable memory fails you at the worst possible time when it reminds you that you’re three hours away from a wedding ceremony that’s about to start in two. Because you’re the only representative of your family, you panic in the thought that you cannot miss the ceremony. After a quick shower, you grab and wear the nearest formal outfit as you race to your car. Almost tripping, you think to yourself “Great, the drive there will take about two hours. I should hurry.” And so you did.

Now I hope you also instinctively thought about what you were getting into! In as much as you are urgently needed somewhere, the faster the speed of the car, the riskier it is for you (and possibly your passengers too!). Most of the reported car accidents are due to speeding. When you think about it, it’s kind of self explanatory. But hey, it’s better to be well-informed. Better safe than sorry, they say.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Angry or Drunken Driving? Which is worse? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Angry DrivingPicture this. You are calmly driving on the peaceful road; the sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping in blissful harmony. It seems that your Sunday afternoon is going to be perfect, but no luck. All of a sudden, a speeding taxi cuts its way through the thin traffic. Nearby drivers, including you, are startled by the reckless, dangerous driving. This makes you mad. Your blood pressure rises as you wave your fist out the window.

Your anger continues to escalate in a way that your skin might as well start turning green. Chances are, you will pick up speed, swerving in and out with a temptation to teach that driver a lesson. Like this nuisance of a taxi, you start cutting other cars in an attempt to catch up to the driver of this taxi so you could honk at him, shout at him, and give him a piece of your mind.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why Pedestrian Lanes Must Be Followed | Automotive Parts Suppliers

You see them every day. You’ll probably walk across hundreds of them throughout the course of your lifetime. Though there must have been those rare moments where you’ve ignored them, pedestrian lanes are actually an integral part of our road systems. They must be given great attention and value. But what are pedestrian lanes for anyway?

Pedestrian lanes, or pedestrian crossings as they are technically known, are designated areas on the road that assist people in crossing them. These are usually set to limit the places where people can cross in order to avoid chaos on the busy roads. But with the poor implementation of their regulations, is it really still that important to follow pedestrian lanes? Well the answer is: Yes. And here’s why:

The law actually talks about it. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why You Should Always Check Your Tires before Leaving | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I consider some of my precious belongings with great appreciation. I care for them as if they are alive. I give them names, I apologize if I accidentally drop them or scratch them, I talk to them. Insane, I know. But I believe that life is very much easier with those things around. This principle of mine is especially true when it comes to my car.

I have been driving for five years now, but sometimes I still feel that I am a newbie because I simply hop in the car, start the engine and drive off to my destination. Maybe it’s the time constraint, the busy schedule, or my forgetfulness that makes me leave home without even thinking about checking my car first. I resent it sometimes. It’s my fault.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the More Pollution | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Noise PollutionIt seems that Earth is becoming too small and too crowded because of the continually increasing pollution. Even the types of pollution are multiplying. Way back, I was given a feeling of anxiety and surprise when I became aware of “Noise Pollution”. I wasn’t too thrilled to discover that noise is also classified as pollution. Noise in our planet is slowly becoming more and more disturbing. And things are not going to quiet down anytime soon. Before a temptation to deny sets in, I must say that everyone, including you and me, contributes to the existence noise pollution. Let’s back track on its definition.

Noise Pollution is a type of energy pollution wherein annoying and distracting sounds are audible; they are the additional, unwanted waves that interfere with the usual waves occurring in a particular environment. Sounds are considered noise if it disturbs natural or human processes. This type of pollution can cause a variety of health impairments.

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the More Pollution | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Noise PollutionIt seems that Earth is becoming too small and too crowded because of the continually increasing pollution. Even the types of pollution are multiplying. Way back, I was given a feeling of anxiety and surprise when I became aware of “Noise Pollution”. I wasn’t too thrilled to discover that noise is also classified as pollution. Noise in our planet is slowly becoming more and more disturbing. And things are not going to quiet down anytime soon. Before a temptation to deny sets in, I must say that everyone, including you and me, contributes to the existence noise pollution. Let’s back track on its definition.

Noise Pollution is a type of energy pollution wherein annoying and distracting sounds are audible; they are the additional, unwanted waves that interfere with the usual waves occurring in a particular environment. Sounds are considered noise if it disturbs natural or human processes. This type of pollution can cause a variety of health impairments.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How do you avoid modern idols and false gods?

Set God as Lord in your heart

Ask me anything

What is your comment on homosexuality? And how can you lead your friends away from it, given that they are already homosexuals?

Set an example. Don't shun them away - but let them know that it is not a natural thing. Everyone has a choice.

Ask me anything

how can i be influential person? i live in very poor community and i am educated.that is why i want. so how is it possible

Develop your leadership skills. Read John Maxwell books

Ask me anything

Do you ever feel like everything in your life is so great it scares you because you think something will happen to ruin it? :)

Yep! Only God can be our security - coz anything can happen

Ask me anything

how do you draw the line between being in a "romantic relationship" and "best friends only" (daw :|), between a boy and a girl?

It's like asking how do you know up to where you can touch a fire without being burned

Ask me anything

what is your view of salvation?

It is asking Christ to come into your life as both your Lord and Savior. An act of surrender and taking over.

Ask me anything

Do you believe in the big plan against all god's followers that's gonna take place next year?!


Ask me anything

Dear Sean, i am no longer a virgin. How can i bring back my virginity spiritually and how can i convince my bf that my next sex will be on my honeymoon.

Set your heart on God. If you really love Him, you will live a life that says 'Jesus is better than sin' - your bf should lead you. Pray that he gets to love God above his fleshly desires. It's tough - in fact, it's impossible apart from God. Keep apart from your bf first so you can both focus on knowing God more.

Ask me anything

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the Faster the Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

“Vrooom! Vrooom!” – It would be so nice if the muffler of your car sounded like this, right? I bet you would also want your car to be as fast as the car in the video; Well, I do too!  An incredibly fast car, when put into full use, is usually punctuated by a resounding muffler noise. But, have you ever wondered if the loudness of a car’s muffler is related to its speed? Is the speed of a car identified by the noise of its muffler?

It’s a myth! The noise on your muffler could add a couple of horsepower, but it does not ensure a faster speed on your car. Also, cars in general don’t get noisier as they gain speed. It was suggested in findings that when your car reaches its maximum power in top gear, the noise input has also achieves its maximum, even if the car may continue gaining speed. It just seems that most of the good pipes are loud, and that’s because of the added noise, which is due to the less restriction of the exhaust gases. As it was also stated, most of the power-boosting pipes out there are louder than regular pipes. However, it must also be stated that not all loud pipes boost power. Just keep in mind that the faster cars are not always the noisiest.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why a Relaxed Driver is also a Safe Driver | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Driving is an activity that I abundantly love. To be behind the wheel is to subject yourself to great delights: the delight of possessing full control over a machine, the delight of listening to the endless music that comes with it, the delight of catching the cool air that breezes through the open window… everything! Long drives just help me calm down; it is the rare span of time where I can realize deep thoughts and recap old memories.

Relaxed DrivingAlthough, the annoying traffic jams in city roads is a bother that’s almost impossible to avoid. I hate it when another driver suddenly cuts me, breaking a few traffic regulations in the process. Such actions make me angry, causing me to honk my horn real loud, which does nothing to contribute to the already noisy streets. We’ve all been there. It’s sad that driving can’t always be a delightful thing.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ways to Customize/Personalize Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Personalize Your CarWant to drive a car that totally screams ‘you’? If so, you might want to consider car customization. It’s an increasingly popular trend among car owners who want to make a statement with their rides. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to break your bank account just to spruce up your car. There are cheap and affordable ways to do it. The best part of all this is that you can even do some of it on your own! Here are some ideas to get you started.


You can instantly one-up your car’s Wow Factor by giving it a new coat of paint. Better yet, go for a custom paint job – there are endless choices of designs, patterns, and colors to choose from. You can also make your own designs, if you’re the creative type. If you haven’t done a custom paint job before, it’s best to consult a professional and let them handle it – although this can set you back a few hundred dollars. But if you want to DIY, just make sure that you know the proper preparations and you have the necessary materials to complete the job. This is a lot more challenging, but definitely cheaper.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Save up with Tiger Leafsprings | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Tiger Leafspings

Your car is composed of various parts with various functions. Oftentimes, understanding the anatomy and function of the collective purposes of your car components may seem like rocket science. Finding the best possible solution to a broken car isn’t always easy. Like many other drivers, perhaps you’re having problems with the maintenance of the different parts of your car.

One such part, which is crucial when you’re driving on rough roads, is the suspension. The suspension is of great importance, especially when during times where you are required to carry heavy loads. Picking up relatives fresh from the airport is one example. Armed with their countless suitcases, you gotta make sure that your car won’t give in while you’re in the middle of the road. Also, those who have businesses that involve transporting toilsome payloads must take extra care of their vehicles.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Top 10 Car Accidents | Automotive Parts Suppliers

As drivers, we at times cannot avoid accidents on the road. This happens, especially, when we are not careful enough of our driving or the reckless driving of others. In 2006 alone, there have been 15,000 car accidents reported by the Philippine National Police. On average, there are 41 traffic accidents per day. It has also been reported that some of the causes of those car accidents are vehicle mechanical defects, speeding, cell phone use while driving, and drunkenness of drivers. These types of incidents often result to fatal damages, physical injuries, and even death.

Do you want to see how dangerous car accidents can be? Here are the top 10 car accidents that have happened in the different parts of the world.

Highway 39 Accident#10: Drunkenness at Hwy 39

This accident was experienced by a girl last April 5, 2008 during a dark and rainy night in eastern Hillsborough County, Florida at the Hwy 39 and Sam Allen Road intersection. The girl, together with her friends inside the car was hit by a car driven by a drunk, who was unlicensed, uninsured, and undocumented. The impact of the collision pushed the girl’s car 170 feet away from its previous state. The good thing is everyone inside the car was buckled up, sparing them from major injuries.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How to Choose the Right Mags for Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car MagazinesYou just bought a car. You take a good, long look at her. She’s beautiful. Like any beautiful woman in your life, you want to treat her, spoil her. And like the many beautiful women that you know, the first thing you should get them is a pair of elegant shoes.

Mags can make any car beautiful, and like any form of accessory, you should realize that they should match. Before we go on the aesthetics of your mags and your car, we have to look at the technical aspects.

Firstly, before choosing the actual mags, we have to look at the fit. Take a look at your wheels; you will find some markings. I’m not talking about the treads on the wheels, but the numbers and letters on the side wall.

How to Choose the Right Mags for Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car MagazinesYou just bought a car. You take a good, long look at her. She’s beautiful. Like any beautiful woman in your life, you want to treat her, spoil her. And like the many beautiful women that you know, the first thing you should get them is a pair of elegant shoes.

Mags can make any car beautiful, and like any form of accessory, you should realize that they should match. Before we go on the aesthetics of your mags and your car, we have to look at the technical aspects.

Firstly, before choosing the actual mags, we have to look at the fit. Take a look at your wheels; you will find some markings. I’m not talking about the treads on the wheels, but the numbers and letters on the side wall.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Do We Use Leaf Springs for Heavier Vehicles? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Leaf SpringsA leaf spring, or a carriage spring, is a simple type of spring usually utilized for wheeled vehicles. Also, it is one of the oldest sorts of springing in medieval times. One the advantages of a leaf spring over a regular spring, which is helical, is that the leaf spring’s end might be directed along a specific path. Leaf springs for heavier vehicles can be fixed to the frame, or it can be fixed at one end directly, with the frontage normally fixed through a bind, which is a small swinging arm. The bind takes up the inclination of the leaf spring to lengthen if compressed. This causes the supple springiness.

The suspension is the main feature which contributes to the suppleness of your car. As of this time, leaf springs are the commonly used in the suspension schemes of motor vehicles. In addition to this, it is recognized as a cart spring or semi elliptical spring, like an arc-figured length of a steel coil with a rectangle cross-section. As mentioned earlier, you can fix this leaf spring straightly to the both sides of the frames or straightly to the one side, the front end in particular as the other side is fixed with the shackle or bind, a small swinging arm.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Pull Your Handbrake While Driving Fast | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Crash

Deep within you may lay a desire called, “The Need for Speed”. I don’t blame you; such a thing can be called the driver’s guilty pleasure. You love the thrill of pushing your ton of steel down an empty road, or snaking your way in between sleepy drivers and startled passengers. While this is all fun and exciting, you would require a very good control of the wheel accompanied with near-perfect foot pedal control. Never think that what you see on the movies or on your favorite racing games is easy. There is a lot of skill involved.

But! I have all the driving skills in the world! Not even Michael Schumacher can touch me!

This is probably the response from a few of you. You might even want to drift your car by pulling on the handbrakes while still at high speed, so that you can skid in around the edges of the road, fulfilling that near-death thrill that you are looking for.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Properly Install Mags to Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Installing Wheel RimsRecession has hit all of us pretty hard, and in times like these, a task that we normally have the experts carry out for a certain fee can now be done by none other than ourselves. It always helps to be able to save a few bucks. A process in which we would initially think is a hard and daunting task is fairly easy if done correctly. This will serve as a guide for all people out there – including me. This should be able to let us prove to ourselves that what they can do (for a price), we can do also… for free! Ever wonder how you can, on your own, install the mags to your wheels?

First off, every car should have a wheel jack. Use that wheel jack to lift up the tires. Since the wheel is free for work to be done on it, take out the cap that secures the air in it and let all that good old air out. You won’t need them. Having done that, you can now take out your other tools and start unscrewing the bolts that keeps the tire secure. Of course, I am sure you know what the next step will be, take the wheel off so that you can take out the old car mags or, as we say, wheel rims. This step may require a bit of effort, so it is of importance that you are fit enough for some “wheel rim manipulation”.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Properly Wax Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car WaxJustin was just 17 years old when his parents gave him a car. He totally loved it. He’ll drive around all the time, going on road trips with friends, traveling anywhere. He became so busy going to places that, when he finally had the time to settle in the house, his parents noticed that Justin’s car is in dire need of a good washing. “Your car is your responsibility son,” his father jested, “You should be able to take care of it as much as you enjoy using it. Now go clean it up, and make sure you wax it too.” So he walks outside, looks at his car and wonders, “How will I do that?”

Having a car is like having a pet… or even a kid. It’s not only fun and games with them. The owner has the responsibility to take good care of it if he/she wants to avoid getting it sick… I mean, broken.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Affordable Ways to Pimp My Ride (Part 2) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Pimp My RideWelcome to Part 2 of Affordable Ways to Pimp My Ride. I do hope that you got some ideas on how to improve your current sound system so you could further enjoy your times of driving. With this article, I shall advance our discussion by giving you ideas on how to improve your exteriors.

Like in my previous article, I mentioned about the potential influence of many racing games and car chase movies. By the impact of these products of media, you must have told yourself: That looks cool! These things might have sparked a desire within you; a desire to make your car look more aesthetically pleasing without having to spend too much cash.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Used Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Used TiresMaintaining your car can be quite expensive. And throughout the life of your car, there will definitely be times where you’ll have to replace different parts to keep your car in perfect shape. When this particular type of situation calls for your attention, it may be very easy to just say: Hey, second-hand parts could still go on for some time right? You might think that this isn’t so bad, especially if you’re planning to sell your car in the not-too-distant future anyway. Well, think again, because this is not a very good idea.

For purposes of this article, we’re going to talk about tires. Now we all know that tires are very expensive, but we also know that they are one of the most important parts of our car. They are built to last through different environments and climates and, oftentimes, it is easy to believe that they will last forever no matter the situation. What we don’t realize is that, like all other parts of our car, tires are subject to intense wear-and-tear.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Affordable Ways to Pimp My Ride (Part 1) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Pimp My RideYou have seen the movies and have played the video games. The flashing lights and hi-tech consoles makes you want to have one. But there are the usual questions that might hold you back. “Where do I start? Will it burn a hole in my pocket?”

As always, that is what I’m here for, my dear friend. Today you and I shall have a productive talk about sound systems. Now before we continue, I have to explain the main components of the sound system and how to choose the optimum configuration for your car.

We must be all aware that, when it comes to sound systems, we have to know that there are three main components. These are the head unit, the speakers and, in some cases, the amplifier.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What You Should Know About Car Tints | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Whenever anyone sets out to buy a car, a universal question is assured. In fact, it is probably one of the first aesthetic decisions one will have to make immediately after purchase. “Do I want to tint my car? The question is very simple. Yes, the salesman had probably asked you this a hundred times before you even asked yourself, but what does that question means to you? Why do you need a car tint? How is it beneficial to you?

The obvious answer to this is you would want to reduce the heat inside your car. So is that it? Is this article over? Thanks! Unfortunately, that is not it. But fortunately, I shall tell you why.

Tinted Car

While reducing heat is the most obvious benefit of a car tint, there are other features that must be considered, and UV protection is one of them. Like most drivers, you spend a lot of time in your car, and if your car tint can’t protect you from UV rays, then you will be exposing your skin to some long term health problems. Besides the health benefits, car tints also grant you privacy. You wouldn’t want people to keep on staring at you while in traffic, or for people to peek through your windows while it is parked in a public space. Another advantage of car tints, which is probably the most important, is that they grant comfort in your driving. You would want the car tint to reflect enough of glaring light while, at the same time, giving you a good visibility on the road.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why You Need High Performance and Affordable Mufflers | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Your car is your baby and your darling. She is there for you wherever you go and will always be there through thick and thin. Your car will take care of you, but if you don’t treat her well in return, she may just change her mind. And let me tell you from experience, you do not want that to happen.

…”What in the hell is he talking about?”

Here is a question that might be running through your mind right now, and I don’t really blame you. But let me ask you another question, is safety important for you? If the answer is yes then, read on.

Soundex Muffer

I’m sure by now that you are aware of the benefits of your car’s muffler. It functions basically to expel and keep unwanted fumes and emissions away from your car; this is important because we all know that car emissions are hazardous not only to your health, but also to the rest of your family. This is especially true when you have young children, who have systems that are more prone to its hazards.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cool Gadgets for Traveling | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Amazon KindleHave you ever experienced packing for a trip and ending up with too many bulky gadgets? Do you hate those moments where you have to decide what to leave behind, even though all of you’ve packed so far seem equally necessary for your trip? Trust me; we’ve all been there before. That is why we, Automotive Part Suppliers, have cooked up a short list of portable and equally stylish gadgets that’ll prevent you from having to make those annoying decisions.

Amazon Kindle

Anyone can find a companion on a long journey. Some people find it in other people while others find companionship in music and/or books. Observing other travelers from a distance, I’ve seen that most of them lug around bulky novels. Well, if you want to gain more arm muscles, then so be it. Although, I must say that there is a lightweight and price-efficient substitute to those old fashioned novels: the Amazon Kindle. Despite the fact that it can become your own personal portable library (it can carry 1,500 books at the same time), it has also WI-FI compatibility, which makes it a great substitute for both the laptop and the paperback. It’s slim and lightweight, measuring just a third of an inch thick and weighing only 10.2 ounces. Its screen is also perfect for reading anywhere, even under sunlight. You can also download a whole lot of books without having to connect it to a computer, all for free. You save both money and trees using this. This is roughly priced around $189.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why I choose Roberts as my manufacturer | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Thumbs up for RobertsI’m sure your friendly neighborhood mechanic has told you this before. With a smile that can light a million light bulbs, he tells you that his parts are the best in the market, and that no one else supplies his particular parts. But, deep down, you know that the auto parts supplier just down the street sells this and a hundred other brands. So the question is… which auto part manufacturer should you choose?

While I may not list every brand out there in the market, I will list a few and tell you why they are of particular note.

1.)  Evercool Radiator: This particular brand of radiator hit the market in the early 90’s and hit the ground running. The radiators of Evercool Radiator possess a higher-than-standard number of water tubes and cooling fins, which causes it to outperform other radiators in the market. Additionally, Evercool Radiators are subjected to rigorous vibration, pressure and road tests; not to mention that they are also stamped with a 100% leak free certification. Bundle this together with ISO Certifications, and you have yourself a high quality radiator that you know won’t let you down even in the harshest of situations.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things I Love About Driving | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I love DrivingI remember the first car that I drove. It was a 1993 Mitsubishi Lancer; a manual transmission and white in color. With that car, I used to zoom down the highways and navigate tight streets, even though it was a time where I was yet to acquire my license.  I then moved on to several cars, but all of them I loved and treated like a girlfriend.

Driving to me is not just an activity where I move from point A to point B. It is something more. It is magical. It is the time when I am truly by myself. It is the time where I can really crank up the volume on my favorite music and smile as my newest speakers thump in the back. It is the time where I can really take a girl out and spend some quality time with her while on the way to a picnic.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is an Auxiliary Fan?? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

What is an Auxiliary Fan??


A man who does not know what an auxiliary fan is.

You’re driving your car and you notice that something is wrong… seriously wrong. The mechanic pops the hood up and looks around a mish mash of engineering parts. This is the part where you go, ‘Oooohhhh!’

The mechanic in his dirty gray jumper wipes his hands with a greasy rag tucked in his back pocket. He then turns to you and says, “Your auxiliary fan is not working. The fuse is blown.”

You’re not quite sure what the mechanic is talking about. Instincts lead you to a completely different idea, because the fan blower seemed to work fine when you switched on the air conditioner this morning. Afraid to sound stupid and end up being charged extra as a result of it, you nod your head and pull out a wad of cash hoping not to hear about the problem again.

As you drive home, you wonder, ‘What in the hell is an auxiliary fan?’

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Should You Do When Your Car Battery Dies? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Dead Car BatteryIt’s a cool Saturday night and you’re all decked out in a brand new shirt sprayed with your favorite colognes. To top it off, you even had your shoes shined. You can almost be sure that your date would drool at the very sight of you. You grab your car keys and jump into your car. You just cleaned it today to leave a good impression to the lucky girl. A new wax coat and car perfume act as icing to the cake that is you.

You place the key in the ignition and you hear a tired wheezing, you look around to see if anybody is around. Maybe the asthmatic neighbor of yours is having a bad day, but there is no one. You try it again but all you hear is: ‘Click, click, click.’

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things You Can Do When Your Car Widow Is Stuck | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I remember as a kid how my dad would generously give away freshly-baked sweet bread to children as we drove home from school. One gray-skied afternoon, a swarm of kids pounced on our car window as my dad tried to raise the window up. Unfortunately, it got stuck half-way.

Needless to say, the next hour was a lesson in cursing and slapping, which of course was an important lesson that strongly, and positively, affected my adulthood. Though it may seem that I’m about to start a rant about my childhood, I assure you that I am not. Rather, I am here to talk about your car window.

Yes, that beautiful, transparent piece of glass that keeps the smog away from your sensitive nose does create some problems. It can often get stuck in situations like what happened with me and my dad. We can be a victim of a stuck car window in times that we least expect it. We certainly do not want to experience this during a drive under a storm.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What to Do While Waiting For the Tow Truck | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Waiting for Tow TruckSo you’re waiting there, maybe leaning on the hood of your car, sitting inside your immobilized automobile. (Ironic, huh?) You’re waiting for the tow-truck which you called for a few moments ago. You know that it will take quite some time before they reach you. But do you know that there are more important things that you can do than texting your friends, ranting on about how much you hate this day, or just playing Angry Birds to kill time?

What are the things you have to do while waiting for the tow-truck? You’re probably saying to yourself that there’s nothing more you can do, since your car’s busted. And it won’t help trying to fix it yourself because that’s the very reason you called for the tow-truck in the first place. Though there’s technically nothing you can do for your car, at least you can do something for the sake of the other motorists, and even for your own safety.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Keep Your Car Lookin’ Cool, Feelin’ Cool (Proper Maintenance of Aircon) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Cool Car

Summer is here! This is the time when we will use up some of our days to plan trips to the beach as we spend some time with the sun, sand and refreshing cool water to soothe our skins. While that may be very tempting, it is nearly impossible to spend all of our summer time in the comfort of a little resort getaway. Most of us have to deal with the sun in our urban playground, confined in our cars as we jet from one destination to the next.

Our cars are subject to disasters such as overheating. Unless resting under a cool shade, it is exposed to blistering heat. And the initial appropriate course of action is to blast our air conditioners to the maximum so that we don’t sweat it out in our mobile saunas. While this is the natural and instinctive reaction (and indeed most air conditioners would be able to work in this manner), we have to be wise when it comes to maintaining of our cooling units. Would you rather deal with the dreaded heat when it breaks down?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When Is Having Your Car Towed A Better Option? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

 Car Being TowedThere are simply some days when your car isn’t cooperating with you 100%, and I’m not just talking about when your car’s AC is broken. I’m talking about the times when it just gives up on you in the middle of your travel. Has that ever happened to you? Chances are, it has at least once. And if it hasn’t happened to you yet, sooner or later, it probably will.

 Such misfortunes are usually dealt with in the most unexpected of moments, and options won’t be so many. The atmosphere of the busy streets, the sight of the crowded cars, and the desire to have your car fixed as soon as possible will funnel your choices into one: Have your car towed.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cleaning Your Car from the Inside-Out | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Wash

You wake up in a beautiful Sunday morning, and look at the clock beside you. It is close to 9am. The sun is shining brightly through your curtains, and you think of all of the dirt that must have settled on your car from last night’s storm. You get up and walk straight to the driveway only to realize that your girlfriend has scraped the mud from her shoes inside your car. Your head shakes as you notice the mess that your car is in. It is going to be a long day.

Cleaning your car is not a daunting task. You can either wash it yourself or you can avail the services of a car wash. Either way, there are pointers you need to remember if you want you car cleaned the right way.

Cleaning Your Car from the Inside-Out | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Wash

You wake up in a beautiful Sunday morning, and look at the clock beside you. It is close to 9am. The sun is shining brightly through your curtains, and you think of all of the dirt that must have settled on your car from last night’s storm. You get up and walk straight to the driveway only to realize that your girlfriend has scraped the mud from her shoes inside your car. Your head shakes as you notice the mess that your car is in. It is going to be a long day.

Cleaning your car is not a daunting task. You can either wash it yourself or you can avail the services of a car wash. Either way, there are pointers you need to remember if you want you car cleaned the right way.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Comprehensive Insurance for Your Car and Mine | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Fire

Comprehensive car insurance covers fires,...

We all know that you can’t register your car if you don’t have the basic, standard insurance, which is mandatory. When it comes to car insurance, there aren’t many options next to having a decent insurance agreement or just that standard mandatory car insurance.

So what’s comprehensive car insurance? Well, to put it into a nutshell, it’s like the standard insurance, only better. The premium is bigger, but it’s really, very reasonable and you’ll get more than your money’s worth. It covers more scenarios that you might face in the future and compensates you financially more than a standard insurance plan ever will. Also, it keeps you secure so that you don’t have to worry about plenty of financial matters.