Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What Happens when a Gasoline Car's Fuel Tank Gets Filled with Diesel? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Diesel Fuel

So you’ve accidentally put diesel in your gasoline-fuelled car. How do you remedy this? Well, actually, it’s highly unlikely that you one day end up in this circumstance for cars now have specifically-designed gas tanks that will only fit the nozzle of the fuel it requires; unleaded gasoline nozzles are different from that of diesel.

But let’s just say, hypothetically, that, somehow, someway, an unhealthy amount of diesel found its way inside your gasoline car. Say that you ran out of fuel on the road and instead of getting regular gasoline, you got a metal canister and they pumped diesel instead. Bummer, but you’ve no idea about the mistake, so you pour the contents of that canister with hope and optimism.

The 2013 Manila International Auto Show | Automotive Parts Suppliers

2013 Manila Auto Show

Earlier this April, the 4th to 7th specifically, was yet another heart-attack inducing, breath-taking killer of a show – the Manila International Auto Show (MIAS). With over 300 cars on display and thousands of car lovers in attendance, 2013 has stepped it up a notch higher than last year’s event. Whether you’ve attended for the cars, accessories or the ladies, I’m sure the MIAS did not disappoint.

You know that MIAS is just around the corner when you hear blaring music announcing its presence. At the World Trade grounds, you are greeted by a queue of restored Mistubishi Lancers and Mini Coopers – a testament to the diversity of cars that are on display – the new and the old school. Entering the event proper, you see handsome jaw-dropping cars: the Lexus LF-A and a Ferrari (by the way, great car curation by the organizers). After crossing the big red barn doors… the beautiful chaos begins.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

ow Engine Flushes can Prolong Engine Life | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

To extend your car’s life is to be knowledgeable about the basic functions of your car. In this post, we’ll focus on the process of Oil Change. We are all aware that regular oil changes allow our car to perform significantly better, but what do we really know about the process itself?

Engine oils prevent car parts from rusting, but for them to remain effective, they have to be replaced every once in a while, depending on how often you use your car.

Heavily darkened oil is one common indication that you need to perform an oil change.  Take note that engine oil should not be refilled but flushed, which is a procedure that cleans the engine of dirt that has built up in various parts of the machinery over time. By performing an engine flush periodically, the internal components of the engine remain relatively clean and thus perform at optimum levels.  In detail, it prolongs the engine life due to the following reasons:

Engine Flush

The Pros and Cons of Paintless Dent Removal Services | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Dent Removal Services

With all the cars out there, from highways to parking lots, it can be quite difficult to protect a car from those dents and scratches, which are the common nuisances for drivers that continue to become more common as the days go by. No matter how careful one is, his or her car will eventually suffer that unlucky fate, either by his or her own action or by someone else’s.

To have such damages fixed is neither easy nor cheap, although one fair and effective way to resolve them is through availing paintless dent removal services.  IF you consider yourself to be a car enthusiast and a supporter of certain car manufacturing corporations, then maybe you can do perform the remedy on your own. Otherwise, leave the job to the experts.

How Soon Should You Replace your Car's Fuel Filter? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Do you often hear a heavy snoring while you’re driving? Don’t look at your spouse; it’s probably the sound emitted by your clogged fuel filter. Such a phenomenon shouldn’t surprise you really, especially if Bush was still the President when you last replaced your fuel filter.

Located between the fuel tank and the fuel pump, your car’s fuel filter removes any impurities that could clog your fuel injectors, giving your car a consistently smooth ride.  Indeed, no vehicle can function normally without a fuel filter, and like all essential car parts, its effectiveness lessens as it ages. Dirt is the #1 enemy of fuel filters, and even a small portion of it can result in unstable performance, poor gas mileage, and in some cases, complete engine shutdown.

Replacing Fuel Filter

Damaging Cleaning Materials that You Shouldn't Use on Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Cleaning Materials

Sometimes, people think that any random cleaning material can suffice for the overall hygienic requirements of their car. This is just plain wrong. Do you know that a number of cleaning products out there that can actually cause more harm than good to your beloved vehicle? A discomforting fact, but it is what it is. Hopefully, this post will give you peace in its goal to list down five cleaning materials that should never come into contact with your car. Let’s begin.

1) Detergent soaps

A lot of people wrongfully assume that detergent soaps are the same as standard car wash products, which is a gentler kind of soap precisely designed for car cleaning. Detergent soap actually removes the wax properties on the surface of the car’s protective exterior. Due to this, it is not advisable to use detergent soap unless one has plans to have his car waxed after.

2) Products that contain petrochemical and bleach

Petrochemicals and bleach in cleaning materials? Sounds good, right? I mean, these elements seem to promise a high level of cleanliness which we all desire for the cleanliness and maintenance of our car’s tires. However, although these cleaning materials can eliminate all the dirt that engulfs your tires, they can actually make the tires age prematurely as well.

Preparing your Car’s Radiator for a Cross Country Drive | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Every once in a while, we need to remove ourselves from our ever busy lives with some rest and relaxation. And a good cross country drive may be just the thing. But before that, you have to make sure that you won’t encounter any headaches during the entirety of your trip. Among the headaches that you might encounter is an overheated car. Wouldn’t it suck big time to encounter stress during an activity that intends to escape from it?

There are certain parts of your car that require constant inspection, like its brakes and tires. One particular part though that doesn’t receive as much attention as it deserves is the radiator. I’m sure there have been a few instances where you passed by overheated cars parked on the side of the freeway with their hoods popped open and heavy steam looming over it. If you are going cross-country, you might be thinking, why do I have to worry about my radiator overheating? Well, even by cross country standards, a radiator can definitely overheat.

Now, here are some helpful tips on how you can prepare your radiator for your cross-country drives. These are simple tips that will save you a lot of worry and, more importantly, repair bills.

Cross Country Drive

Caring for your Auto Car Window | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Window MaintenanceBeing a responsible driver means being knowledgeable about the vehicle you’re driving. Before driving off your garage, it is important to check your BLOW-BAG: Battery, Light, Oil, Water, Brakes, Air, Gas. These are all essential elements of an automobile, but what about other car parts that are just as important? What about our precious car windows?

If you are able to list down the number of times your car windows has protected you from pollution, sunshine, and rainfall, then’d you’d reward it with more credit that what most car owners usually give it. Listed below are 8 ways on how you can properly maintain your car windows.

Largest BMW Showroom in South East Asia to Open in Bonifacio Global City | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Cars are clearly the standardized mode of travel today. Things have been this way for quite some time now. Can your imagination really take you back to the time when bicycles were the leading trend in the world of transportation? Technology has indeed gone a long way, and our lifestyles and preferences follow whatever shape the universe adapts.

As you may have already heard, luxury brands are starting to fill the Philippine market, overwhelming car enthusiasts and owners alike to avail lavish upgrades and rejuvenating restorations.  Aside from the great news featured in this entry’s title, did you know that Rolls-Royce has also expressed interest in setting up a showroom here in the Philippines?

BMW Showroom

Rolls Royce to Open its Showroom in PH | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Phantom. Ghost. Wraith. These are names that are not fictitious characters from stories of the unknown, but are rather characters from the widely known brand, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd.  For many years, we have only seen a glimpse of their automobiles in movies, online stores, and second hand sellers.  Well, it is an honor for me to announce that such glimpses are finally over for that famous logo comprised of two R’s will soon be prominently visible in the Philippines.

According to a September 2012 BusinessWeek interview with Paul Harris, regional director of Rolls Royce for Asia Pacific, the automotive giant is looking into expanding to the Indo-China and Philippine areas.  This major business decision is primarily due to the fact that the company earned a good growth of sales in India this year, aside from its consistent market sales in Hong Kong.

Rolls-Royce Showroom