Sunday, December 23, 2012

10 FAQs when insuring a Brand New Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

In·sur·ance – noun – a coverage by contract whereby one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingency or peril.

To put it simply, insurance is the assurance of compensation for certain unexpected losses that may happen in the future. We are aware that there are varying types of car insurance designed for different kinds of conditions. But what are those certain “conditions” that you need to know and understand? Here’s a simple checklist.

Insuring Brand New Car

Car Insurance for your Teens | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Have you counted the many times your teenager totaled your car on a good driving day? Too many to count? Or just too financially painful? Teenagers can be quite ruthless when it comes to driving. This is why getting car insurance for your teens is essential; especially if you both have decided that they’ll be driving their own car. You wouldn’t want to end up burdened with several payments every other month just because they can’t seem to understand the difference between a highway and a walkway.

Unfortunately, car insurance isn’t cheap and if you have a fixed monthly budget, you have to find ways to lower your payments or acquire considerable discounts. Here are a few tips that might help lower your monthly payments for your teen’s car insurance.

Car Insurance for Teens

Saturday, December 15, 2012

GPS Navigators in the Philippines? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Global Positioning System (GPS) navigators are devices that are designed to pinpoint your current location on Earth.  They specialize in precision in the way that their reports contain the exact longitudinal and latitudinal data of your position.  To further their usefulness, GPS navigators are also capable of helping you get to your desired destination in the quickest time possible. Basically, it is a very helpful travelling tool, particularly for adventurous drivers who frequently engage in road trips.

GPS NavigatorWith the speedy advancement of technology, GPS navigators can now be found in smartphones, laptops, and even watches.  It works in the way a satellite tracks the location of a specific device and then transmits the data gathered to the GPS navigator.  This has become one of the most favoured safety features for people who are looking for cars or phones to buy.  Also, tourists who prefer to spend their vacations in foreign lands will find this tool handy as they roam in search for landmarks and souvenir shops.

What you Need to Know about the Check Engine Light | Automotive Parts Suppliers

The “Check Engine” Light, also known as the Malfunction Indicator Lamp, is usually a cause of worry for many car owners. It is designed to activate in instances when the car’s computer system notices something wrong with the electronic control system. But what else does this warning device tells us aside from the fact that there is “something wrong” with our vehicle? Below, I have listed some specific malfunctions that would activate our car’s Check Engine Light (CEL).

Check Engine LightOxygen Sensor: It is the sensor that keeps track of how much oxygen in the exhaust has been burned. A busted oxygen sensor may cause a decrease in gas mileage an increase is harmful fuel emissions. If this incident is the cause of the CEL, replace your oxygen sensor as soon as you can. Damage to such sensors can be caused by oil ashes that cover it over time.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Top 10 Emergency Tools for your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just because we are secure inside our car doesn’t mean that we’re safe from the many kinds of dangers outside of it. Sooner or later, we drivers will encounter a tricky and hazardous situation, and the tools that we have with us may be our only ticket home. In this article, let us take a quick countdown of the 10 emergency tools or accessories that are extremely useful for getting out of an untimely ordeal on the road.

10) Back-up Battery

A common downfall in cars is its unexpected shutdown due to an empty battery. Always reserve a back-up battery in your car as this might just save your day. Because an average battery usually lasts 3 to 4 years, take note of the date of when you last replaced your battery.

9) Phone Charger

It’s pretty safe to assume that all people who are wealthy enough to own their own car also has a mobile phone. Like the batteries of our cars, our phones may suddenly run out of juice. And when you run out of both in the middle of nowhere, a phone charger will be your saviour. Always keep a phone charger in your car’s dashboard; this is to make sure that you’d be able to call a friend, a family member, or even a tow truck when the situation demands for one.

Toolbox for Car

Top 10 Emergency Tools for your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just because we are secure inside our car doesn’t mean that we’re safe from the many kinds of dangers outside of it. Sooner or later, we drivers will encounter a tricky and hazardous situation, and the tools that we have with us may be our only ticket home. In this article, let us take a quick countdown of the 10 emergency tools or accessories that are extremely useful for getting out of an untimely ordeal on the road.

10) Back-up Battery

A common downfall in cars is its unexpected shutdown due to an empty battery. Always reserve a back-up battery in your car as this might just save your day. Because an average battery usually lasts 3 to 4 years, take note of the date of when you last replaced your battery.

9) Phone Charger

It’s pretty safe to assume that all people who are wealthy enough to own their own car also has a mobile phone. Like the batteries of our cars, our phones may suddenly run out of juice. And when you run out of both in the middle of nowhere, a phone charger will be your saviour. Always keep a phone charger in your car’s dashboard; this is to make sure that you’d be able to call a friend, a family member, or even a tow truck when the situation demands for one.

Toolbox for Car

Roles of Car Fluids in Safety and Good Maintenance | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car Fluids, along with other essential car parts, make it possible for the engine and the rest of the car to be fully functional and safe for use.  They are usually taken for granted in the sense that many car owners don’t check the car fluids as often as it is needed to be checked. Below I have listed, in order of importance, basic car fluids and how they promote safer driving and better maintenance of the engine.

Car Motor OilMotor Oil: Often referred to as the “lifeblood of the car”, motor oil extends the life of your motor as it allows the pistons to run smoothly. Once the car oil runs out due to a leak or oil pump failure, permanent damage could result to the engine, leaving owners with no choice but to have the entire engine replaced, which could be costly. Some signs of low motor oil would be loss of oil pressure or the overheating of the engine. Be wary of these symptoms to prevent your engine from breaking down.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to Stop your Car if your Brakes are not Working | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A car’s brakes are extremely vital when it comes to proper function and overall safety. Their invention grants us control of our vehicle, which is essential for emergency situations and tight scenarios. But what if they just suddenly stop working at a very alarming moment? In this article, we will discuss steps you may opt to take whenever your brakes fail to do its job.

1) Downshift

As soon as you notice that the brakes are not functioning correctly, immediately downshift your gear to slow the car down which should give you extra stirring stability and control. This may give you the needed opportunity to safely pull your car over to the side of the road. But take caution as you downshift; don’t perform this action in an instant. If you downshift quickly, you risk crashing your car as you lose control of it.

Stopping a Car without Brakes

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How Self-Braking Safety Features Work | Automotive Parts Suppliers

The self-braking features of some cars today like Lexus, BMW, and Audi brands are the latest innovation in automotive technology.  Some of the less expensive brands have also started to apply this novelty to their vehicles. The new system makes use of special sensors that makes a car aware of its surroundings, which could come in the form of radars, lasers, cameras or GPS.  Before, only a few can afford to buy these vehicles due to its higher price tag.  But costs have now lessened thanks to the new camera-based systems.

Self-Braking Safety FeatureAvoidance Technology, as it is called, uses an existing system that includes parking sensors and blind-spot warnings which detects people and objects all around the vehicle. When the vehicle comes dangerously close to an object, the device will stop the car automatically. This safety feature will be very helpful when it comes to avoiding car accidents. Those who live in urban areas, where running cars are overflowing, can really benefit from this innovation. Sleepy drivers will have peace of mind with the knowledge that the brakes will automatically stop the car when they fail to respond to certain traffic regulations and signs.  It will also be very convenient for long drives in unfamiliar places at night.

How to Detect a Leaking Coolant Hose | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Proper Car MaintenanceOne of the worst things that can occur on the road is the need to pull over because of car overheat. Smoke puffs out of your car engine, causing much of a hassle for you and other drivers in the middle of the road. When this happens, you know that there is something wrong with your car’s cooling system that caused the engine to run warmer than it should. Here we discuss some ways on how to check for leaks on your car’s coolant hose to prevent experiencing troubles in the car’s cooling system.

1) Check the radiators

When your car is at a halt, check under your vehicle and look if there is any wetness or dripping liquid on the ground under your vehicle’s hood. If there is, then this is one sign of the problem. Mostly because of vibration, radiators develop leaks around the hose connections, putting the coolant hose susceptible to internal corrosion. Old coolants damage the metal in the radiator, causing leakage. Find where the car engine’s coolant reservoir is located. If you’re unsure, read the vehicle’s manual or better yet, consult with your car technician. The coolant is usually colored red, green, blue, rust, orange, or yellow, depending on the type of antifreeze in the system.

Monday, November 19, 2012

When to Use a Muffler Heat Shield | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A muffler radiates heat due to the exhaust gases of internal combustion in the engine. This heat can cause extreme injury not only to the engine, but also to other crucial car parts. And because a damaged car can lead to serious harm to the driver, passengers, and pedestrians, using a heat shield is a primary safety requirement.

Muffler Heat Shield

Heat shields are placed between the muffler and the fuel tank to protect the fuel tank from the heat coming out of the exhaust pipes.  Though especially designed to continuously withstand high temperatures, heat shields wear out after a period of time, which establishes a need for a replacement.  Muffler heat shields should be used during long distance driving because the exhaust system of a car increasingly generates heat for as long as a car is running.

The mufflers of today are either reflective or absorptive. Reflective mufflers run generally hotter than the absorptive ones, so heat shields are an absolute must if your car has this kind of muffler.  More than half of today’s mufflers are absorptive types, and it’s a good thing that the reflective mufflers that abound the market are already equipped with heat shields.

When to Change your Shock Absorber | Automotive Parts Suppliers

So you have a car you call your baby. To get it protected, you buy tons of classy car accessories and ensure that everything is working fine every time you sit behind the steering wheel. For comfort, you fill your car with nice seat covers, while as for safety, well-prepared airbags and tight seat belts are equipped. But when the road is hard and bumpy, the real thing that is responsible for keeping you safe are the shock absorbers.

Shock Absorbers

Part of your car’s suspension, the shock absorbers help, you’ve guessed it, absorb shocks, that result in a smooth and comfy ride. Of course, as with anything, they are not resistant to the custom wear and tear after a long time’s use. In this article, we will tackle about four factors on how to know when it’s time to replace your shock absorbers.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

When to Run a Compression Test for your Car | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

An engine is a “self-powered air pump”, and its quality is one of the determining factors in the overall performance of every vehicle. Because many of its components are complex, such as the cylinders, piston rings, and pistons, a busted engine would usually require the expertise of a trusted and competent automotive shop. This is one of those times where a knowledgeable driver would consider a compression test, but how can one be sure on when exactly to run such a test? Below I have listed a few symptoms that would indicate the need for you to run a compression test for your car.

Compression Test

Indications of a bad exhaust valve include misfiring at low engine speed, no compression on cylinders, irregular exhaustion of black smoke from the exhaust pipe, excessive oil consumption, compression leaks, valve train noise, and total valve failure.  If you experience any of the malfunctions, consider running a compression test for your car as soon as possible; ignoring these problems could lead to worse engine damage. Once the compression test is finished, overhaul the cylinders (if there are any) as exhaust valves play an important role in the car’s engine system.  Every driver should consider the possibility of a faulty exhaust valve after every compression test.

Are Chrome Treated Rims Worth it? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Rims, in all its various designs, can improve the visual appeal of your car. But aside from aesthetic purposes, they can also provide better traction and steering.  Chrome rims are preferred by many vehicle owners because they are awesome to look and are popular amongst car shows.  They attract admiring glances from those who know its worth.  Though chrome is applied to car rims primarily to prevent the presence of rust, it is now also designed to enhance a car’s appearance and can be suited for the owner’s preference.

Chrome Treated RimsThe rims are constructed with chrome mirror finish to make it shine in the presence of light.  Car enthusiasts really find this attractive and appealing, although it must be said that it comes with a hefty price tag.  With all the good that chrome rims can do to a car, who would not be tempted to seek its presence on one’s car wheels?

Pros and Cons of Using Octane Boosters | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Fuel is a requisite in the fundamental function of every automobile. That’s a given. But what can drivers do to take this basic action of transportation to a higher level?  What can car owners turn to that would enhance the overall performance of their beloved vehicles? If you paid attention to the title of this article, then I’m sure that you already know the answer. So there. Octane Boosters.

Fuel EconomyThe fuel used for car engines is composed mostly of Octane, which gives a measurement of how slow or fast petrol burns. A high octane level is most preferred for more efficient fuel burning, resulting to lesser gas consumption.  If you increase the compression ratio of a high octane level fuel, the horsepower of a car engine also increases.  The problem of pre-ignition must be considered because of too much compression can cause damage to the engine.  Octane Boosters help minimize this problem by lessening the emissions, which would eventually drive away the carbon build-ups that are lodged inside the engine.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Facts about Turbo Engines | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Heads up, car lovers! Turbo cars might just be the next big thing in the automotive industry, but how do you know if they’re the right car for you? “Turbo” is a world that basically signifies the act of going real fast, but unbeknownst to many, turbo engines have other benefits aside from the speed it adds. Here’s a quick know-how in choosing the right engine for you.

Turbo Engine1) Fuel Consumption

Turbo engines are actually smaller compared to regular engines, which make them more fuel efficient. However, the downside in this is that turbo engines normally require a more expensive type of fuel than ordinary engines. Say for example that the turbo engine has only four cylinders compared to the six of a regular engine; this statistic can shoot fuel savings up to 20%.

How Older Cars Have Become Less Fuel Efficient | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A 2012 Honda Civic is very much different from its 1991 version not just in terms of its looks, but in performance as well. Some of us would say that having an old car may be practical, especially to those who can’t really afford to buy the latest models.  It makes perfect sense at first, but did you know that owning an old car can be as expensive as owning a car that is brand new?

90's Honda Car Model

Older cars need replacement of parts more often, and its fuel consumption is far less economical compared to modern models. Such a problem in fuel efficiency is the result of the inevitable “Wear and Tear”, which pertains to the important parts of the car that needs to be replaced every now and then. Wear and Tear parts have a big role in fuel consumption, Take a look at some of the factors listed below; all of these contribute to the drastic increase of fuel consumption in older cars:

What to Do if you Come Across a Corrupt Traffic Enforcer | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Traffic Jams are one of the most annoying things in… life. Cultural cities like Manila and Beijing are all prone to heavy traffic that hinders its possibilities of growth and development. Tourists end up being too scared to drive in the city. Locals continuously hope they don’t get caught in traffic. As a result, the government has to train traffic enforcers to deal with the situation. Traffic enforcers are tasked to lead traffic in the most seamless way possible. At the same time, they are also required to watch for road manners that are against traffic rules and regulations.

Dealing with Corrupt Traffic EnforcersWhile that seems like an honorable job, there are others who use the job as a way to manipulate and take advantage of drivers. Instead of fairly handling situations, corrupt traffic enforcers secretly and subtly ask for “financial compensation”, commonly known as bribes. Bastards. Sometimes, they even go as far as having to wrongly accusing drivers. On the other hand, drivers won’t be able to do something about it. Either they get a ticket and waste quality time on the road or they pay and get on with it.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Qualities of a Great Repair Shop | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Trusted Repair ShopIf you are an Average Joe of a driver, chances are that you are good steering wheel but not exactly familiar with things like troubleshooting and repairs. When you encounter problems with your vehicle, the logical thing to do is to run to the nearest repair shop. But proximity can never guarantee great quality. There are countless of automotive stores out there, but how can you determine the one that will give you the best advice, the best service, the best products? In this article we will tackle just that. Let us take this time to spot the characteristics that make up a trusted repair shop.

1) Respect for the Customer

This is a characteristic that you will see right off the bat as soon as you set foot in an auto repair shop. (In fact, this is a trait that is true to any kind of shop.) A great car repair man will treat his customer with respect and will not be boastful in his knowledge about cars. Sincerity and humility are things that good employees have; they project themselves as the same level as you as he assesses the situation at hand. If he treats people with respect, there is a comforting assurance that he’ll view your car with value as well.

Finding the Bad Smell Inside your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Riding in a car with bad odor can be increasingly disturbing if you don’t find the time to get rid of the smell. While you can ignore it all you want, you’ll only end up letting that awful stench grow stronger in time. And if you don’t want to risk being made fun of or talked about, you might want to stop giving people a ride for some time. The only way to suppress this smell is to get rid of its source. Here are a few places that might help you find the culprit.

Smelly CarStart with the easy locations by taking a look at the obvious spots. It isn’t uncommon for cars to smell bad. In fact, unless you have it cleaned once a week or so, an unpleasant odor will soon develop within your automobile. Before you go snooping around for unusual sources, use your instinct first by inspecting common areas and work your way from there. If you have kids, then it’s possible that they may have spilled food and drinks inside the car. Check your carpets and upholstery to see of any signs of spilled perishables.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Car Restoration | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car Restoration is the practice of mending any particular car part that is in need of a specific repair.  Car owners resort to this kind of renovation to lessen the financial burden of buying a new car or upgrading it.  Most of the time, it is the indispensable engine that is subject to those necessary repair. Once a certain engine has reached a certain point of degradation where it can no longer perform its vital function, it is replaced with similar models that have the same capacity and capability as the one being changed.

Car RestorationComplete restoration will be very expensive for the owner when it comes to changing essential parts of the vehicle.  Sometimes, buying a new part may be more practical than opting for restoration.  In acquiring a firsthand car, one can be sure that all parts are real and that they are at the peak of its usability.  It can spare the anxiety of being duped, which is something that has become quite common  in instances where the owner can’t tell for sure if his new car part is original or not.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How Run-Flat Tires Work | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Run-Flat TireOur vehicles’ tires are the essential workforce that makes it possible for our cars to move on the streets. The very first batches of tires seem extremely prone to puncture and other damages, but a few decades ago, the breakthrough of increased resistance to pressure of steel belt tires made driving much safer. But still, this technology cannot stop the hundreds of car-related accidents on the roads due to all sorts of tire failure. To further maximize safety, tire manufacturers have paid much attention to improving auto rubber by developing an advanced next-generation tire technology called run-flat tires. In this article, let us discuss what this technology is and how they work to keep you safe rolling along the roads!

Run Flat Tires and their Role

Let us start by first discussing a standard tire, which depends solely on internal air pressure along with sturdy sidewall construction and multi steel belts. The collaborative effects of these features help maintain your tires as it goes on the road. To support the weight, the standard tire’s pneumatic pressure works with the physical structure of the tire to support a vehicle’s weight. The air also serves as a cushion to counter the impacts of road surface irregularities. So as the tire loses air due to successive loads and impacts in its travels, the ability of the tire to hold the vehicle up and to counter act road punishment will therefore diminish. Once a tire reaches a breaking point, it can suddenly go flat, which in turn can cause serious car accidents. Tough it can

When to Rotate your Car's Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Rotating your Car's TiresTires are like pencils. If you sharpen one side of a pencil too much, it’ll end up breaking when you use it. Instead, you have to make sure to sharpen every side of the pencil as even as you can. This is similar to driving. When you drive, you end up throwing the weight of your car around, leaving patterns of erosion on the tires. If you use your tires too much without rotating them, you’ll end up wearing out your tires unevenly. This is why it is important to know when to rotate your tires to the right locations.

The wearing out of tires is inevitable. It may be because of the weight dispersion of your car. It may even be because you have an uneven alignment. The tires at the front usually end up with accidental bruises from parking, steering and braking. At the same time, they also carry the weight of the engine. In these situations, the tires in front are likely to wear out faster than those at the back.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Top 5 Security Benefits of a Good Car Tint | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car Tint BenefitsYour car windows provide us drivers with the visibility that we need, but the addition of the right kind of tint will also grant you protection from blinding sunlight and other distracting factors. In this post, we will quickly look at five benefits that go with car tints.

Car Tints and Major Types

Window tints are originally called window films. As the name implies, they are films that are installed in glass windows to reduce glare from the sun and other light sources. They offer some privacy features too if wanted, and they can also upgrade the look of your car. There are several types of car window tints, so let us tackle them briefly before we discuss their benefits. Car tints have two major classifications: those that are based on materials used, and those based on the percentage of tint.

Characteristics of a Good Car Alarm System | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car with Keyless EntryGone are the days when you needed someone to watch your car for you. Almost every car sold in the market has a car alarm system attached to it, allowing you to hear its loud, annoying sound, whenever someone accidentally steps into the car’s vicinity. Unfortunately, while it’s a good way to attract attention to a theft-in-process, it may not be enough to prevent it.

However, you can protect your car with more than just the alerting sounds. Various car alarm systems are now available with a wide selection of options and safety features. Here are some characteristics you might want to consider when looking for an alarm system for your car.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DIY Muffler Replacement | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A muffler is an exhaust system component that reduces the amount of sound produced by the exhaust of a car or motorcycle. While it allows you to drive without the inherent, annoying sound of an exhaust system, it is also a component that requires constant changing because of the unfortunate fact that it easily rusts. Sometimes, you’ll simply feel a subtle urge to replace your muffler with a superior model because, well, you want what’s best for your treasured vehicle.

DIY Car Part ReplacementsBefore we move further, please remember to apply the necessary precautions when you decide to replace your muffler on your own. Besides making your car’s safety a priority, you also have to consider your own. If you’re ready to start, browse through these steps to guide you throughout the replacement.

Common Mistakes in Car Maintenance | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

In we were to make a list of our most expensive possessions, our car will certainly appear somewhere on the top of that list. No wonder many individuals exert a great amount of effort to ensure that their beloved vehicle car is taken care of. But despite our maintenance ploys towards our invaluable automobile, we will sooner or later commit mistakes on the way we maintain our cars. To help ourselves avoid such mistakes, let us observe five common mistakes that numerous car owners commit.

Mistakes in Car Maintenance1) Taking your tires for granted

Your tires are the ones that make direct contact with the dreadful roads you are driving on. With this fact, wouldn’t you want to take excellent care of your tires? Because they are the work force that transports your car’s body, you should not take them for granted. Many drivers are content with their tires as long as they’re not flat, but that alone is not enough! Every once in a while, rotate the position of your tires so that they wear out evenly. Also, take note of your tires’ threads; if they are no longer visible, consider changing your tires. Keep in mind that the average life span of a tire is five years.

New and Innovative Upgrades Available for Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Latest GPS TechnologyTired of the common upgrades of HID headlights, mag wheels, or body kits? Want to stand out without riding the bandwagon of those usual customizations? High-tech upgrades can give you practical benefits and, at the same time, turn your ride into a head-turner! In this article, let us take a look at new innovative concepts that can upgrade your car’s technology!


Navigation and Communication Upgrades

An upgrade in navigation is a most useful upgrade as this is of the primary purpose of your vehicle. The popular GPS technology will always be a good thing to have installed in your car’s dashboard. There are lots of models and brands to choose from, so pick the one that has a great user interface that can be easily be installed. Remember to opt for the version with the latest updates.

Things to Consider before Changing your Horn | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Have you ever thought of actually changing your car horn? I myself have been contemplating whether or not I should replace the horn of my vehicle, which, by the way, still functions properly. But if you compare the power of my car horn with recent models, mine would definitely pose no match. But hey, it’s still doing its job, right? So why change it? Below I have listed some reasons why it is necessary for car owners to change their car horn.

Replacing your Car HornIn certain emergency situations, fellow drivers and defenseless pedestrians would not know that your car would be running their way unless you hunk your horn at them. Though it can be irritating when drivers honk their horn more often that they need to, we cannot deny the fact that it an essential car tool, and that it needs to be kept in tip-top shape.  Maximizing the principle of safe driving involves the maintenance of your car horn, for it gives better precaution for the vehicles and pedestrians in your presence.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Properly Paint Brake Calipers | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Painted Brake CalipersHave you ever wondered about the parts that make your cars stop? If you do, then you probably know about brake calipers. Calipers house the disc brake and disc pads that stop your car once you step on the brakes. If your vehicle possesses open-spoke alloy wheels, this means that your brakes will be visible to the eye as they are not covered by the wheels. Because of this, car owners now have the opportunity to spice up the brake calipers to show them off! Now let us peek into the steps needed to convert your dull calipers into polished stylish ones!

1) Remove the wheels from the vehicle to give you access to the caliper

Depending on the owner, this step can be avoided more so if the wheel space is quite spacious enough for you to easily reach the calipers. But for the best painting precision, it is best to remove the wheels. Start from one side of the car, and then finish off with the remaining side.

Cheap Alternatives for Air Fresheners | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Freshener AlternativesMaybe it’s the over-exposure from the sun, or the spoiled food under the seats, or dried perspiration that we unconsciously leave. Or perhaps it’s due to the lack of necessary maintenance. No matter what kind of stink there is in your car’s interior, it’s surely one that you need to get rid of. We use fancy air fresheners like the famous fake pine tree, the evergreen bough, and the synthetic lemon scent. However, commercial air “fresheners” sometimes only add to the terminal odor. In this article, we will share five cheap alternatives for air fresheners that you can use to give your car a soothing smell.

1) Orange or lemon peels

Go to the market or simply check your kitchen refrigerator. Look for oranges or lemons and remind everybody in the house, including yourself, to not throw their peels away after eating the fruits. You can take the peels and place them in a mesh or net bag draped to your rear-view mirror. Notice the fragrance as the air conditioner blows air out. The smell of citrus is natural and simply refreshing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why you Shouldn't Overload your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

You are about to engage yourself in an exciting road trip. You’ve packed five huge bags with enough equipment to let you live alone in the jungle for a month. You’ve checked your tires and buckled your seatbelts. You’ve convinced yourself that you’re absolutely ready to go.

Not quite.

Overloaded CarEvery car has a recommended maximum combined weight of cargo and passengers. This is called payload. Exceeding this capacity will cause a damaging amount of stress on your car’s tires, shocks and springs. These three important car parts keep vehicles under control and on the road.

Things to consider before Getting a Repaint | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A Car Repaint is usually costly, especially here in the Philippines. Nowadays, a simple car repaint would cost around 20,000 pesos (equivalent to 480 US dollars), which is a considerably huge amount of cash. If you a dedicated car lover like me, we’d agree that our precious car is somewhat entitled to one of those refreshing repaints. But before I started saving for such a costly paint job, I researched on the necessary factors that needs to be considered. Below, I found a few important things to consider before getting a car repainted.

Getting a Paint Job

Expense: As I have mentioned earlier, getting a car repainted is not cheap whatsoever! It requires a lot of money especially for people like me who have just begun their career.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Avoid Side Mirror Thieves | Automotive Parts Suppliers

It’s been a long day. You walk back to your neatly packed car, eager to drive home for a good night’s rest. But the moment you arrive at your parking spot, you immediately notice that something is missing! Your side mirrors! They’re gone! The thieves were only interested in the wing mirrors, as they scratched up the area around the mirror and broke its frame horribly.  You have heard this story many times before, and you did not expect the same thing to happen to you. Side mirrors, though small in size, are relatively costly to replace nowadays.

Side Mirror ThiefCars with broken or no side mirrors are pretty uncomfortable for drivers. So once one or both of your side mirrors are gone, you have to immediately buy a replacement. This means that you’d also have to purchase the parts that are associated with them, which includes the appropriate cover, frame, and sometimes if affected, even a new rubber gasket and wiring harness. It’s a real stab in the wallet. That is why, in this article, we’ll give you suggestions on how to prevent your side mirrors from being stolen.

What to Do When You Lose Your Brakes | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

As the population of automobiles on the road increases, so does the number of car accidents. Drivers should become more cautious. Aside from practicing the “no-drink-and-drive” rule and abiding by the road and traffic signs strictly, they should not text, sleep and talk on the phone while driving.

Losing Your Car BrakesTo shy away from accidents, most drivers push the car brakes head on. However, car brakes sometimes fail, and in these instances, they should know how to respond. In this article, we’ll give you useful tips on just how you should handle your car whenever it loses its brakes.

When You Should and Shouldn’t Surrender Your License | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

To simply have a driving licence is not a privilege. Rather, it is an obligation that we need to keep by abiding the traffic rules and regulations governed in the country we live in. But admit it or not, this is a truth that a lot of drivers tend to ignore. This might be the reason why drivers don’t know most of their rights as well.

Surrendering your Driver's License

I myself am not an exemption. I do drive, yes, but I have not memorized all of the traffic rules and regulations of the Philippines. This reminds me of a scenario that occurred just a few months ago. I was driving going to a mall in EDSA-Ortigas when a traffic enforcer asked me to pull over. He pointed out to a “No Swerving” sign. (I was not familiar with that particular sign at the time.) I apologized and said that it was my first time to drive around that area. Uncurl your eyebrows, all ye sceptics! I was telling the truth.

What a First Time Driver Needs to Know – Tips and Advice | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

First Time DriverFirst-time drivers are always eager to grab the keys, turn on the engine, step on the accelerator, and dominate the steering wheel. They yearn to experience that exhilarating feeling that comes from driving on a wide road that’s unhindered by irritable traffic. However, it is also typical for a first-time driver to feel the jitters before getting behind the wheel. Eventually, a driver has to let go of his or her fears. But fearlessness does not equate to stupidity. First-time drivers don’t have to be conquered by jitters if they take note of these essentials before they go off on their first drive.

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

Preparation is an essential ingredient in smooth driving. You have to familiarize yourself with all the road rules to avoid hurting yourself or anyone else on the road, whether it’s a passenger, a pedestrian, or a fellow driver. It’s standard for a driver to check all the imperative car parts before traveling. It does not have to be a thorough inspection everyday – check the tires, gas level, mirrors, seats, windows, etc. The driver should browse the car’s manual, which should ALWAYS be kept inside the glove compartment or the compartments on the front doors. Keep a spare tire in the trunk, as well as repair and maintenance tools.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What a First Time Driver Needs to Know – Tips and Advice | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

First Time DriverFirst-time drivers are always eager to grab the keys, turn on the engine, step on the accelerator, and dominate the steering wheel. They yearn to experience that exhilarating feeling that comes from driving on a wide road that’s unhindered by irritable traffic. However, it is also typical for a first-time driver to feel the jitters before getting behind the wheel. Eventually, a driver has to let go of his or her fears. But fearlessness does not equate to stupidity. First-time drivers don’t have to be conquered by jitters if they take note of these essentials before they go off on their first drive.

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

Preparation is an essential ingredient in smooth driving. You have to familiarize yourself with all the road rules to avoid hurting yourself or anyone else on the road, whether it’s a passenger, a pedestrian, or a fellow driver. It’s standard for a driver to check all the imperative car parts before traveling. It does not have to be a thorough inspection everyday – check the tires, gas level, mirrors, seats, windows, etc. The driver should browse the car’s manual, which should ALWAYS be kept inside the glove compartment or the compartments on the front doors. Keep a spare tire in the trunk, as well as repair and maintenance tools.

What to Do When You Lose Your Brakes | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

As the population of automobiles on the road increases, so does the number of car accidents. Drivers should become more cautious. Aside from practicing the “no-drink-and-drive” rule and abiding by the road and traffic signs strictly, they should not text, sleep and talk on the phone while driving.

Losing your Car BrakesTo shy away from accidents, most drivers push the car brakes head on. However, car brakes sometimes fail, and in these instances, they should know how to respond. In this article, we’ll give you useful tips on just how you should handle your car whenever it loses its brakes.

Slalom vs. Drifting | Automotive Parts Suppliers

SlalomHave you ever thought about racing your car in such a way that you can almost feel like you’re flying? Have you ever desired to take on slalom racing or car drifting? What are the differences between the two in terms of rules and skills required? How do their racing courses differ when it comes to look and feel? How are the winners in both categories determined?


Slalom is considered as the root of motorsports. One does not need to buy a specific car or customized parts in order to participate in this particular species of racing. Slalom takes place in an enclosed paved area, usually in a parking space of a building, or an airport runway, where pylons or those orange traffic cones are used to create a man-made obstacle course for you and your car. Directions as to how the racers will go about the course will be provided.

Road Rage: How Far is Too Far? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Driving may look easy, but there are plenty of times where it can become seriously stressful. When driving, you are torn between the distractions that surround you and the activity that you are actually supposed to be focusing on. A presence of mind is a necessity; keep your cool despite all the things that you find annoying and irritating. Concentrate on the crucial part you are playing as a driver, the captain who is responsible for the safety of the lives of other people.

However, no matter how good you are as a driver and no matter how accustomed you are to the ways of the road, the possibility of you losing your temper is always there. Whether it is heavy traffic jams, or stubborn motorists who keep on violating traffic rules that cause chaos on the road, or just annoying fellows who destroy your day with their unjust and irritating travel habits, it is really a challenge to prevent yourself from getting frustrated, angry, and even violent. There goes road rage.

Road Rage

Monday, July 23, 2012

Quick Checklist for your Car before a Road Trip | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Road Trip

Excited for that road trip? Cannot wait to drive your ride to your destination? I understand your excitement, but before you venture of on your journey, you have to properly prepare your car before anything else. It’s a tired cliché, but the principle of “prevention is better than cure” fits perfectly in this scenario. Let us discuss how you can quickly check your vehicle prior going the distance for your travel.


Anyone who has undergone a formal education in driving should be familiar with this acronym. This is a very handy word will assist us in our pre-trip, car-check routine. Let us dive into this acronym right now.

Quick Checklist for your Car before a Road Trip | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Road Trip

Excited for that road trip? Cannot wait to drive your ride to your destination? I understand your excitement, but before you venture of on your journey, you have to properly prepare your car before anything else. It’s a tired cliché, but the principle of “prevention is better than cure” fits perfectly in this scenario. Let us discuss how you can quickly check your vehicle prior going the distance for your travel.


Anyone who has undergone a formal education in driving should be familiar with this acronym. This is a very handy word will assist us in our pre-trip, car-check routine. Let us dive into this acronym right now.

How to Properly Maintain your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Maintaining your CarEvery car owner/driver’s responsibility is to make sure that his/her car is in its best condition at all times. This is to ensure safety and to avoid further problems that would entail higher cost in repair or replacement. We have enumerated some of the most basic tips on how to ensure proper car maintenance.


Ideally, tire pressure should be checked at least once a week. Over-inflation consumes more gasoline, while over or under-inflation can easily wear out your tires. Check your car manual for the correct air pressure that should be loaded in your tires. Improper tire pressure affects fuel economy and ease in handling.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Different Gasoline/Diesel Fuel Variants: Do They Matter? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car fuels are one of the key aspects that make our car run. Even if all the other important car parts are complete and well maintained, our cars would be of no use if it is without fuel. Choosing the right fuel for our car is of utmost significance, as they will determine how smoothly our car will run. Although, choosing the right fuel is not as easy as one would normally think; it would have to compliment the engine your car possesses. Below, I have listed a few fuel variants and some of their pros and cons.

Gasoline or Petrol: This is normally used as a fuel on “internal combustion engines”. It has also been considered as one of the most expensive types of fuels in most countries. The extraction of this particular kind of fuel has some serious effects in our climate. It may sound to be the best fuel for our cars nowadays as it has the most power conversion compared to others. But if take into consideration its high price and negative effects on nature, the use of this fuel would probably be discouraged.

Oil Prices

How Does your Radiator Keep Your Car Cool? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Cars are man-made machines that have revolutionized the means of transportation. These machines can take us from a place to another, but as all machines do, cars generate heat too. Heat relates to efficiency, for too much of it may destroy certain parts via overheating. So how does a car keep its engine bay cool? Through the assistance of the ever-important radiator.

Car RadiatorEvery car owes its function to the engine, which runs at extremely high revolutions per minute (RPM). As science puts it, rapid movements generate kinetic energy, which is energy at motion. Kinetic energy generates heat which may affect the car’s performance, specifically the car engine. Somehow, there should be a way to cool down the engine to prevent breakdowns. Simple devices, such as cooling fans, are not enough to cool down the heat. This is why the radiator was invented. We all have radiators in our cars, but how do these beneficial devices work?

Tips on How to Properly Jump Start Your Car | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

For reasons that you do not quite understand, you’re car engine has died and would not start again. Your schedule for the day is tight and you know that you cannot afford to wait for a tow truck. You have no other choice but to look around and assess your surroundings. If your car is a stick shift, and if there are functional cars nearby, then you are in good luck! Follow these steps to jump start your car and get a move on!

Make sure the battery is the problem

If the primary reason for the car stopping is the battery, you can ask help from a functional car to start yours again. Check first your battery if it was drained by simply checking the headlights if it is dimmer than usual. You can check the radio too or the dashboard lights. Once you have verified that the battery is the problem, move on with these steps.

Jump Starting a Car

How Many Radiator Fans Does My Car Need? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

One massive pain that every driver does not ever want to encounter is overheating problem. This is especially true for drivers who live in tropical regions, where most of the year is hot and sunny. Because of this, some even avoid driving during the day. However, overheating can happen anytime, and with this thought, you’d probably think that you need more automotive radiator fans as they are the core components of an automobile’s cooling system. How many radiator fans does your car really need? Let’s find out.

Radiator and Radiator Fan: What’s the Connection?

Radiator FanWhen the car moves, the motor is running and the engine burns the air and fuel mixture. Heat is produced, causing the vehicle’s parts to get so hot. To avoid damage to the engine system, radiators take charge in removing excess heat from the engine even under the most extreme conditions.

Engine Brake: How does it work? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

If you own a car, then it is very likely that you’ve heard of the term, Engine Brake. By just observing the words, we all know that engine breaks somehow causes the car engine to come to a sudden halt. But do we really know how it actually works? Let us dive into this mystery to further understand the car engine brake.

What is Engine Brake?

Hand Brakes, which can also be referred to as emergency brakes, e-brakes, or parking brakes, trigger the engine brake. It is a latching brake that keeps the car at a stationary state. In manual transmission cars, it is used to assist the car while going up an incline by becoming the car’s second brake as the foot is transferred from the foot brake to the accelerator. Besides the typical hand brakes cars are equipped with foot operated pedals, located right beside the other pedals.

What are its uses?

Car Handbreak

Five Things to Consider before Taking out a Car Loan | Automotive Parts Suppliers

The idea of driving your own car is definitely thrilling for everyone. Who doesn’t want to have a car of his own anyway? However, with a fluctuating economy that affects almost everyone around the world, affording a car may prove to be a challenge. Buying a car in cash can really burn a hole in one’s pocket, especially to regular employees who only depend on their monthly salary. This is the reason why taking out a car loan is the most common option for those who want to quit commuting to and from work everyday.

Car LoanHaving a car is not just a mere luxury. Nowadays, it can already be considered a necessity. However, there are things that must be considered before you take out a car loan.