Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How Car Tints Prevent the Sun's Heat | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Can you already feel the swelling heat of the scorching sun? Summer is just around the corner! Yes! We have once again arrived at that time of the year where people gather outside to have some fun! Swimming outings, family picnics, road trips, and other popular summer activities will surely be a hit again this season.

Except for people who are fond of having tanned skin, most people do what they can to avoid the sun’s rays. This can be seen through the endless list of inventions that has been designed to grant us shade and chill, like air conditioners, umbrellas, and, of course, car tints.

Tinted Car

Do Gas Saver Fluids Really Work? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

In the continuing pursuit for ways to save money, many have confidently claimed to possess the best fuel-saving methods and products out there. A few of these trivial methods involve rolling down the windows, keeping the tailgate up or down, turning the air conditioner off, and so on. Several products have also been promoted that purportedly play an active role in saving fuel by manipulating the fuel itself. That’s something that gas saver fluids are marketed to do, and the very purpose of this post is to verify if these products actually work.

Gas saver fluids are additives that supposedly changes the fuel’s properties, making it more efficient in a number of ways. For one, petroleum-based fuels do not combust easily in their full liquid form, although they do if aerosolized. Also, higher octane fuels are more efficient in being converted to the energy that make your car run. The two factors mentioned can, in fact, result to a more efficient fuel. However, there are a few reasons as to why they wouldn’t really work.

Ways to Save Gas

DIY Leaf Spring Replacement | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Even with the advances in automotive technology, there are still automobiles out there that still use leaf springs as a suspension, which isn’t a bad thing in any way at all. They do their job rather well, even though some people may think that they’re rather primitive these days. There are a few advantages that leaf spring suspensions offer, one of which is its availability to be replaced by the driver himself. A great car owner is someone who has an extensive knowledge about all essential car parts, and this post should equip you with the right understanding when it comes to replacing your leaf spring on your own.

The very first step is to park your vehicle on a solid and level surface and pull the handbrake up. Picking the perfect spot to do the procedure is vital for your safety and the safety of others. Your garage should always be your first choice, but if circumstances force you to do it elsewhere, make sure that you perform the replacement in an area that’s not crowded with mobile cars. As soon as you’ve found your spot, raise and secure your vehicle with the floor jack just enough to have the axle assembly hang freely for the safe replacement of the leaf springs.

DIY Leaf Spring Replacement

Things you Can Do to Make your Car More Comfortable | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Most people say that comfort can be spelled as H-O-M-E. True enough, most of us see our home as our beloved comfort zone where we can just be ourselves as we dress without worrying what people might think of us, as we eat with our feet rested on the table, as we lie down while doing our work. Acknowledging this blissful truth about our home, it’s kind of sad to realize that we don’t get to spend as much time in it as we want. We have to go to work, run errands, pay bills, shop, explore, everything. But does this mean that we can’t enjoy a comfort zone outside our home? Of course not! We can extend that soothing experience as we drive our car. Here are five things you can do to make your car more comfortable.

Comfortable Car

1) Your car seat is one essential factor when it comes to achieving great comfort while driving, whether you’re going for a road trip or just heading to the nearest supermarket. Placing an ergonomic seat cushion won’t just bring comfort; it also supports your upper and lower back. Adding a neck pillow will reduce neck and shoulder stress whilst driving, which is definitely a good catch especially when your headrest doesn’t fit your preference.

Are New Gasoline Stations Worth Trying? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Most gasoline stations are filled with fossil fuels which are said to be antiquated and polluting. Some would even say that they should be obsolete as there are alternatives that can be used to power automobiles and other engines. Most of the new environmental-friendly cars are either hybrids or special models that have been configured to receive biofuels. New gasoline stations now carry these alternative fuels, but their value must first undergo some necessary reviewing.

The most common form of automobile these days that make use of alternative fuel are those with hybrid engines, which are basically one part conventional engine and one part electric engine that’s powered by batteries. Charging these batteries takes a considerable amount of time while conventional fuels only require a short moment to refill a gas tank. Of course, this hasn’t stop certain establishments, like gasoline stations and even universities, to set up charging stations for these battery-powered cars.

Autogas Stations

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Racing Mode: Stiff or Soft Suspension | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

In racing, suspensions play a major part in ensuring that both car and driver makes it to the finish line safe and sound.  In order to keep up with the competition, a lot of racers avail of all the latest upgrades, which is essential in itself, but the ultimate secret in winning the race is having a well-balanced set up. It is advisable to seek the help of a professional in upgrading a suspension because the necessary parts are almost always customized for a particular brand.

Studies show that soft suspension is recommended in racing because this makes the weight transfer more gradual. Also, it’s been said that it increases body roll and lessens abrupt loading, which helps the car run more smoothly and easily when driving through a curve or when drifting.

Car Suspension Setup

How does Volvo Intend to Build a Crash Proof Car? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

The archives of YouTube have so many car crash compilations that it seems that no driver can be entirely safe on the road, no matter how cautious he may be. To say that car accidents are a bummer is a cruel understatement, and in the world of safe driving, Volvo is taking the lead. The 85-year-old company currently has around 50 engineers working with automotive partners, such as Ricardo UK, on the new crash proof car technology.  Volvo hopes to launch the first accident-free vehicles by 2014. These cars can only run up to 31mph, but faster versions will be available by 2020.

How does it work?

Volvo is coming up with a computerized, self-driving vehicle, which will be installed with high-tech sensors that will take over the car’s steering at times of imminent accidents. It also has the capability of “communicating” with other cars over the airwaves about accidents or congestions ahead, automatically taking avoidance actions along the way. Along with its collision-avoidance features, Volvo’s crash-proof car will also come with a pedestrian and animal detection, which causes the car to involuntarily slow down whenever something is blocking its way.

Here are other significant qualities of Volvo’s very own crash proof car:

  • Volvo Crash Proof Car

How to Protect your Car from the Summer Heat | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

The immense heat that has constantly scorched the streets of the Philippines can take a serious toll on our beloved vehicles. It is during these searing times when our cars are pushed to their very limit. ‘Tis the season where road trips to windy, soothing beaches are common, and the last thing we need is an engine that will stall due to overheating. Here are some preventive measures that you can practice to help your vehicle keep running smoothly despite the severe summer heat.

Heat can negatively impact your car’s battery

Heat and vibration are the factors that lead to a battery’s internal breakdown and failure.  Faster evaporation of the battery fluid leads to corrosion on terminals and connections.  What you can do is to properly clean any corrosive build up from the battery terminals and cables clamps; ensure that the clamps have been appropriately tightened when cleaning.  To minimize vibration, drivers should also make sure that their battery is securely mounted in place. If your battery is more than three years old, it’s advisable to have it checked by a trained technician.

Protect your Car from the Summer Heat