Friday, February 15, 2013

5 Signs your Car Insurance is a Scam | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Occasionally, insurance companies offer great discounts and low protection premiums on their products and services. With a wide variety of companies to choose from, how can one determine which agencies are legit and which ones are a scam? Below, you will find five concrete signs that indicate a high possibility that you are being swindled to a car insurance rip-off.

Car Insurance Scam

1) Über low insurance fees

We hate astronomical prices, but the exact opposite is just as scary. When you find yourself asking the question “Why is it priced so low?” conduct a background check on the company offering the low premium. Do your research. Are they still doing well? Do they do this often? Is this a new company trying to attract clients? Base your decisions from the answers you acquire.

Pros and Cons of Converting to LPG Fuel | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

The number of cars converting to liquefied petroleum gas for fuel is increasing. If you’re not aware yet, LPG can be used as an alternative to the usual petroleum for your vehicle. And yes, this is the same energy source that you use in your kitchen to cook and heat food.

In this article, we will help you crunch the pros and cons of this conversion before you decide whether or not to join the 11 million vehicle owners worldwide who have gone through with the conversion process.

LPG Fuel

Saturday, February 9, 2013

When is DIESEL better than GASOLINE? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Advantages of Diesel over GasolineDiesel has gained a reputation for being dirty, and apart from the fact that diesel engines are also noisy, it has already been pointed out to be responsible for smelly exhaust emissions. Also, diesel engines are also regarded as ineffective during cold seasons. Because they don’t have a spark plug, fuel is directly injected to the cylinder that is already under pressure, which ignites it spontaneously.

Other than the aforementioned points, there are many more reasons why people hold on to the conviction that gasoline is better than diesel. And although no one is questioning the supremacy of gas over diesel, there are still some circumstances when the latter has the advantage over the former. They are the following.

Benefits of Tire Siping | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Tire siping, which is the process of cutting the tread of the car with slits and minute edges, is most favorable if you are fond of traveling to wet and icy roads. In this article, we will discuss five benefits of car siping that every car enthusiast should know about.

1) Improved Traction

People used to get studs for their tires to prevent dirt and tiny rocks from damaging them. But studs can’t be installed on used tires, which is one of several reasons why you shouldn’t buy used tires in the first place. To avoid any of these hassles and dilemmas, have your tires siped at a trusted automotive shop. Siped tires will result in a 200% improvement in traction, protecting the tires against materials that can lead to flat tires.

Tire Siping

Friday, February 1, 2013

Metal Stamping: A Simple Explanation | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Metal stamping is the manufacturing of metallic components by applying an extreme amount of pressure to blank pieces or sheets of metal. The purpose of this metal stamping process is to be able to produce formations of any shape and size desired out of the metal sheet. The ability of shaping metal into different shapes has immense importance in any manufacturing industry that you can think of.

Automotive Metal StampingTake the automotive industry as an example. Cars need to have strong, tough and durable materials to be safe and effective mediums of transportation, which only metal can provide. The components of an internal combustion engine cannot be plastic, as it will melt away in a matter of minutes. Neither can the chassis of the car be made of plastic for you will find yourself tumbling in the middle of the highway the minute you breach the withstanding threshold of the plastic material.

Limitations of Electric Vehicles | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Electric CarThe past decade marked the age where electricity can be the foremost source of power of cars. The likes of the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf sparked the popularity of electric vehicles. This breed of cars have a set of considerable benefits such as reduced gas consumption, zero carbon emissions, less noise and less sophistication on the construction compared to regular car engines. However, there are also limitations to an electric vehicle. Here are some of them.

1) Reduced Range

If you only need a car for daily trips to nearby shops and the office, then using an electric car will be perfectly okay. However, if you’re someone who’s fond of long-distance travels and frequent road trips, you may encounter a few problems. As you know, electric cars are powered by batteries, which are not really built for long mileages. This fact may cause anxiousness in this present time, but all should be fine once gas stations become equipped with areas exclusive for charging.