Sunday, December 23, 2012

10 FAQs when insuring a Brand New Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

In·sur·ance – noun – a coverage by contract whereby one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingency or peril.

To put it simply, insurance is the assurance of compensation for certain unexpected losses that may happen in the future. We are aware that there are varying types of car insurance designed for different kinds of conditions. But what are those certain “conditions” that you need to know and understand? Here’s a simple checklist.

Insuring Brand New Car

Car Insurance for your Teens | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Have you counted the many times your teenager totaled your car on a good driving day? Too many to count? Or just too financially painful? Teenagers can be quite ruthless when it comes to driving. This is why getting car insurance for your teens is essential; especially if you both have decided that they’ll be driving their own car. You wouldn’t want to end up burdened with several payments every other month just because they can’t seem to understand the difference between a highway and a walkway.

Unfortunately, car insurance isn’t cheap and if you have a fixed monthly budget, you have to find ways to lower your payments or acquire considerable discounts. Here are a few tips that might help lower your monthly payments for your teen’s car insurance.

Car Insurance for Teens

Saturday, December 15, 2012

GPS Navigators in the Philippines? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Global Positioning System (GPS) navigators are devices that are designed to pinpoint your current location on Earth.  They specialize in precision in the way that their reports contain the exact longitudinal and latitudinal data of your position.  To further their usefulness, GPS navigators are also capable of helping you get to your desired destination in the quickest time possible. Basically, it is a very helpful travelling tool, particularly for adventurous drivers who frequently engage in road trips.

GPS NavigatorWith the speedy advancement of technology, GPS navigators can now be found in smartphones, laptops, and even watches.  It works in the way a satellite tracks the location of a specific device and then transmits the data gathered to the GPS navigator.  This has become one of the most favoured safety features for people who are looking for cars or phones to buy.  Also, tourists who prefer to spend their vacations in foreign lands will find this tool handy as they roam in search for landmarks and souvenir shops.

What you Need to Know about the Check Engine Light | Automotive Parts Suppliers

The “Check Engine” Light, also known as the Malfunction Indicator Lamp, is usually a cause of worry for many car owners. It is designed to activate in instances when the car’s computer system notices something wrong with the electronic control system. But what else does this warning device tells us aside from the fact that there is “something wrong” with our vehicle? Below, I have listed some specific malfunctions that would activate our car’s Check Engine Light (CEL).

Check Engine LightOxygen Sensor: It is the sensor that keeps track of how much oxygen in the exhaust has been burned. A busted oxygen sensor may cause a decrease in gas mileage an increase is harmful fuel emissions. If this incident is the cause of the CEL, replace your oxygen sensor as soon as you can. Damage to such sensors can be caused by oil ashes that cover it over time.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Top 10 Emergency Tools for your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just because we are secure inside our car doesn’t mean that we’re safe from the many kinds of dangers outside of it. Sooner or later, we drivers will encounter a tricky and hazardous situation, and the tools that we have with us may be our only ticket home. In this article, let us take a quick countdown of the 10 emergency tools or accessories that are extremely useful for getting out of an untimely ordeal on the road.

10) Back-up Battery

A common downfall in cars is its unexpected shutdown due to an empty battery. Always reserve a back-up battery in your car as this might just save your day. Because an average battery usually lasts 3 to 4 years, take note of the date of when you last replaced your battery.

9) Phone Charger

It’s pretty safe to assume that all people who are wealthy enough to own their own car also has a mobile phone. Like the batteries of our cars, our phones may suddenly run out of juice. And when you run out of both in the middle of nowhere, a phone charger will be your saviour. Always keep a phone charger in your car’s dashboard; this is to make sure that you’d be able to call a friend, a family member, or even a tow truck when the situation demands for one.

Toolbox for Car

Top 10 Emergency Tools for your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just because we are secure inside our car doesn’t mean that we’re safe from the many kinds of dangers outside of it. Sooner or later, we drivers will encounter a tricky and hazardous situation, and the tools that we have with us may be our only ticket home. In this article, let us take a quick countdown of the 10 emergency tools or accessories that are extremely useful for getting out of an untimely ordeal on the road.

10) Back-up Battery

A common downfall in cars is its unexpected shutdown due to an empty battery. Always reserve a back-up battery in your car as this might just save your day. Because an average battery usually lasts 3 to 4 years, take note of the date of when you last replaced your battery.

9) Phone Charger

It’s pretty safe to assume that all people who are wealthy enough to own their own car also has a mobile phone. Like the batteries of our cars, our phones may suddenly run out of juice. And when you run out of both in the middle of nowhere, a phone charger will be your saviour. Always keep a phone charger in your car’s dashboard; this is to make sure that you’d be able to call a friend, a family member, or even a tow truck when the situation demands for one.

Toolbox for Car

Roles of Car Fluids in Safety and Good Maintenance | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Car Fluids, along with other essential car parts, make it possible for the engine and the rest of the car to be fully functional and safe for use.  They are usually taken for granted in the sense that many car owners don’t check the car fluids as often as it is needed to be checked. Below I have listed, in order of importance, basic car fluids and how they promote safer driving and better maintenance of the engine.

Car Motor OilMotor Oil: Often referred to as the “lifeblood of the car”, motor oil extends the life of your motor as it allows the pistons to run smoothly. Once the car oil runs out due to a leak or oil pump failure, permanent damage could result to the engine, leaving owners with no choice but to have the entire engine replaced, which could be costly. Some signs of low motor oil would be loss of oil pressure or the overheating of the engine. Be wary of these symptoms to prevent your engine from breaking down.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to Stop your Car if your Brakes are not Working | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A car’s brakes are extremely vital when it comes to proper function and overall safety. Their invention grants us control of our vehicle, which is essential for emergency situations and tight scenarios. But what if they just suddenly stop working at a very alarming moment? In this article, we will discuss steps you may opt to take whenever your brakes fail to do its job.

1) Downshift

As soon as you notice that the brakes are not functioning correctly, immediately downshift your gear to slow the car down which should give you extra stirring stability and control. This may give you the needed opportunity to safely pull your car over to the side of the road. But take caution as you downshift; don’t perform this action in an instant. If you downshift quickly, you risk crashing your car as you lose control of it.

Stopping a Car without Brakes