Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Top 10 Car Accidents | Automotive Parts Suppliers

As drivers, we at times cannot avoid accidents on the road. This happens, especially, when we are not careful enough of our driving or the reckless driving of others. In 2006 alone, there have been 15,000 car accidents reported by the Philippine National Police. On average, there are 41 traffic accidents per day. It has also been reported that some of the causes of those car accidents are vehicle mechanical defects, speeding, cell phone use while driving, and drunkenness of drivers. These types of incidents often result to fatal damages, physical injuries, and even death.

Do you want to see how dangerous car accidents can be? Here are the top 10 car accidents that have happened in the different parts of the world.

Highway 39 Accident#10: Drunkenness at Hwy 39

This accident was experienced by a girl last April 5, 2008 during a dark and rainy night in eastern Hillsborough County, Florida at the Hwy 39 and Sam Allen Road intersection. The girl, together with her friends inside the car was hit by a car driven by a drunk, who was unlicensed, uninsured, and undocumented. The impact of the collision pushed the girl’s car 170 feet away from its previous state. The good thing is everyone inside the car was buckled up, sparing them from major injuries.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How to Choose the Right Mags for Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car MagazinesYou just bought a car. You take a good, long look at her. She’s beautiful. Like any beautiful woman in your life, you want to treat her, spoil her. And like the many beautiful women that you know, the first thing you should get them is a pair of elegant shoes.

Mags can make any car beautiful, and like any form of accessory, you should realize that they should match. Before we go on the aesthetics of your mags and your car, we have to look at the technical aspects.

Firstly, before choosing the actual mags, we have to look at the fit. Take a look at your wheels; you will find some markings. I’m not talking about the treads on the wheels, but the numbers and letters on the side wall.

How to Choose the Right Mags for Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car MagazinesYou just bought a car. You take a good, long look at her. She’s beautiful. Like any beautiful woman in your life, you want to treat her, spoil her. And like the many beautiful women that you know, the first thing you should get them is a pair of elegant shoes.

Mags can make any car beautiful, and like any form of accessory, you should realize that they should match. Before we go on the aesthetics of your mags and your car, we have to look at the technical aspects.

Firstly, before choosing the actual mags, we have to look at the fit. Take a look at your wheels; you will find some markings. I’m not talking about the treads on the wheels, but the numbers and letters on the side wall.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Do We Use Leaf Springs for Heavier Vehicles? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Leaf SpringsA leaf spring, or a carriage spring, is a simple type of spring usually utilized for wheeled vehicles. Also, it is one of the oldest sorts of springing in medieval times. One the advantages of a leaf spring over a regular spring, which is helical, is that the leaf spring’s end might be directed along a specific path. Leaf springs for heavier vehicles can be fixed to the frame, or it can be fixed at one end directly, with the frontage normally fixed through a bind, which is a small swinging arm. The bind takes up the inclination of the leaf spring to lengthen if compressed. This causes the supple springiness.

The suspension is the main feature which contributes to the suppleness of your car. As of this time, leaf springs are the commonly used in the suspension schemes of motor vehicles. In addition to this, it is recognized as a cart spring or semi elliptical spring, like an arc-figured length of a steel coil with a rectangle cross-section. As mentioned earlier, you can fix this leaf spring straightly to the both sides of the frames or straightly to the one side, the front end in particular as the other side is fixed with the shackle or bind, a small swinging arm.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Pull Your Handbrake While Driving Fast | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Crash

Deep within you may lay a desire called, “The Need for Speed”. I don’t blame you; such a thing can be called the driver’s guilty pleasure. You love the thrill of pushing your ton of steel down an empty road, or snaking your way in between sleepy drivers and startled passengers. While this is all fun and exciting, you would require a very good control of the wheel accompanied with near-perfect foot pedal control. Never think that what you see on the movies or on your favorite racing games is easy. There is a lot of skill involved.

But! I have all the driving skills in the world! Not even Michael Schumacher can touch me!

This is probably the response from a few of you. You might even want to drift your car by pulling on the handbrakes while still at high speed, so that you can skid in around the edges of the road, fulfilling that near-death thrill that you are looking for.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Properly Install Mags to Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Installing Wheel RimsRecession has hit all of us pretty hard, and in times like these, a task that we normally have the experts carry out for a certain fee can now be done by none other than ourselves. It always helps to be able to save a few bucks. A process in which we would initially think is a hard and daunting task is fairly easy if done correctly. This will serve as a guide for all people out there – including me. This should be able to let us prove to ourselves that what they can do (for a price), we can do also… for free! Ever wonder how you can, on your own, install the mags to your wheels?

First off, every car should have a wheel jack. Use that wheel jack to lift up the tires. Since the wheel is free for work to be done on it, take out the cap that secures the air in it and let all that good old air out. You won’t need them. Having done that, you can now take out your other tools and start unscrewing the bolts that keeps the tire secure. Of course, I am sure you know what the next step will be, take the wheel off so that you can take out the old car mags or, as we say, wheel rims. This step may require a bit of effort, so it is of importance that you are fit enough for some “wheel rim manipulation”.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Properly Wax Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car WaxJustin was just 17 years old when his parents gave him a car. He totally loved it. He’ll drive around all the time, going on road trips with friends, traveling anywhere. He became so busy going to places that, when he finally had the time to settle in the house, his parents noticed that Justin’s car is in dire need of a good washing. “Your car is your responsibility son,” his father jested, “You should be able to take care of it as much as you enjoy using it. Now go clean it up, and make sure you wax it too.” So he walks outside, looks at his car and wonders, “How will I do that?”

Having a car is like having a pet… or even a kid. It’s not only fun and games with them. The owner has the responsibility to take good care of it if he/she wants to avoid getting it sick… I mean, broken.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Affordable Ways to Pimp My Ride (Part 2) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Pimp My RideWelcome to Part 2 of Affordable Ways to Pimp My Ride. I do hope that you got some ideas on how to improve your current sound system so you could further enjoy your times of driving. With this article, I shall advance our discussion by giving you ideas on how to improve your exteriors.

Like in my previous article, I mentioned about the potential influence of many racing games and car chase movies. By the impact of these products of media, you must have told yourself: That looks cool! These things might have sparked a desire within you; a desire to make your car look more aesthetically pleasing without having to spend too much cash.