Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 5 Steps in Car Restoration | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Has your old car been kept in the garage for quite a while? If yes, then have you ever thought about the idea of giving it a revamp? There are many possible reasons as to why a driver would want to consider the restoration of his or her car.

Commonly, most of the cars that are being restored are those that are about to be featured on car shows. A car that is be showcased competitively would be overhauled internally and externally right before it is given its specific customizations. Other drivers who are less competitive apply the principle of car restoration simply because they want to give their car a new feel and look.

If you are an ambitious driver that would like to do your own restoration, then here are five steps you can follow. Remember that when you get into this, things won’t actually be as easy as you think. You’d need lots of time, effort and patience all throughout your car restoration journey. Here you go:

Car Restoration

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Seven Reasons Why You Should Read Your Owner’s Manual | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Instruction ManualHave you already bought your dream car? If so, have you come to understand the essence of its function and anatomy? How about its pros and cons? What about the basics of it? If you lack the fundamental knowledge that pertains to your car, then it is highly advised that you start reading your “Owner’s Manual”, which is also known as the “Instruction Manual”. I know it might sound boring, vague or even useless to read or just browse through it, but trust me. In the end, you will find its tips and information to be useful and applicable. Below, I have listed seven reasons why you need to read your owner’s manual.

BasicsKnowing the basics of your car is a requirement, most especially for first-time car owners. This section of the manual will identify the locations and function of all the parts of your car.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Top 5 Things/Places You shouldn't Miss in Cleaning Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Auto DetailingAuto Detailing is, in essence, similar to the household tradition of spring cleaning. It is the performance of an extremely thorough cleaning, which involves the washing, polishing, and waxing of both the interior and exterior of a particular automobile. A meticulous process like auto detailing is done to significantly improve a car’s overall appearance, function and durability. Any dedicated driver who desires a good-looking, long-lasting car should be aware of this useful practice. Here are the three basic components of auto detailing:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to Treat Rust on Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Rusty CarYou could say that rust particles are like cancer cells that spread on its carriers when left unnoticed and untreated. They are an unwanted and unhealthy nuisance to anything that contracts it. The rust on your car is no exception, and is not simply caused by normal wear and tear. More significantly, rusting occurs when deep scratches expose the metal underneath to moisture and air. When your car paint gets chipped or scratched through the primer coat, the rust spot spreads over time as the base metal oxidizes.

Taking care of small rust spots on a car is easier than most people think. Once they start to pop out, they should be dealt with immediately. Because if these rust spots are left untreated, they won’t stop spreading until your car has completely deteriorated. You sure don’t want this to happen, right?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

How to Make Your Car Pollute Less | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car PollutionAt present, no one can ever deny the fact that our environment has been vastly invaded by pollution. One of the main causes of pollution is the advancement of technology. And because the existence and evolutions of cars is part of this movement, we must admit that cars have become one of the primary pollutants of our environment. Many are very much eager to show off their car that represents the latest models.  Nothing wrong with this, but it’s sad how most drivers are not even aware of the pollution their car emits. Truth is, excessive car usage produces plenty of pollution, which has unfortunately become one of the major contributors to it.

One significant effect of car pollution is climate change, and this does nothing good to us at all, particularly to our health. Respiratory diseases and various forms of cancers are the most common health effects of car pollution to people. But you know, it’s never too late to do something to inhibit this problem.

How to Make Your Car Pollute Less | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car PollutionAt present, no one can ever deny the fact that our environment has been vastly invaded by pollution. One of the main causes of pollution is the advancement of technology. And because the existence and evolutions of cars is part of this movement, we must admit that cars have become one of the primary pollutants of our environment. Many are very much eager to show off their car that represents the latest models.  Nothing wrong with this, but it’s sad how most drivers are not even aware of the pollution their car emits. Truth is, excessive car usage produces plenty of pollution, which has unfortunately become one of the major contributors to it.

One significant effect of car pollution is climate change, and this does nothing good to us at all, particularly to our health. Respiratory diseases and various forms of cancers are the most common health effects of car pollution to people. But you know, it’s never too late to do something to inhibit this problem.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quick Checklist for Delivery Trucks | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Delivery TruckHundreds and hundreds of different delivery trucks ply through Philippine roads every day of the week. Delivery trucks, a mode of land transport, are typically utilized to transfer materials from one place to another, usually in large quantity and with far destinations. Some of the more common types of delivery trucks are listed below.

Freightliners, which are more commonly known as Container Trucks, carry large loads of various cargos from ports to warehouses, and vice-versa. Mail Trucks, like those of DHL and LBC, often carry parcels and other “Balikbayan Boxes”. Refrigerator Trucks are the ones that are utilized when the items that are to be transferred are perishable. Tank Trucks, like those of Shell and Chevron, carries gasoline and other petroleum items, while Wide Loads are used for carrying construction materials, such as electrical posts, steel frames and many more.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Top 3 Things to Do When your Car Gets Bumped | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car CollisionThe news is generally boring, especially if it doesn’t concern anyone you know. But what if one day you become the headline, where you will most likely be seen by everyone you know. What if this particular headline, starring you, has something to do with a car accident? Not good. No driver would ever want to face the agony of car accidents and the emotional stress that comes with them. That is why it is infinitely wise to formulate a plan that would keep us calm and secure if such mishaps should ever happen to us.

Let’s start with a scenario. You were weaving along a traffic gridlock, when suddenly, your car gets bumped from behind. At this time, unstable emotions could be building up within you, just waiting to be unleashed. That you have to deal with the damage to your car means that your schedule for the day has been ruined. The more you realize this, the more anxiety you feel. Now stop. This is usually the part where things get worse. So before you take another step, ponder upon these three pointers that should save you from further stress and conflict.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Swirl Marks | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Removing Swirl MarksWhen a vehicle has not been used or washed for a long time, light scratches and other imperfections, like swirl marks, will eventually surface. Aesthetically speaking, they are your car’s greatest enemies. But worry not, because you have your allies—waxing, polishing and buffering agents. Sure, you may reach out to mechanical car polishers in the market. But, in the long run, it’s best for all drivers to learn as much as they can about car maintenance by performing some of the repairs and replacements themselves.

Here are tips on how to do away with swirl marks:

1.     Deep-clean your car.

Clean and wash your car thoroughly to remove contaminants and grease. Ensure that this process is applied to the car from top to bottom—in the shade, to prevent some more residue and unwanted streaks that could result from the sun’s rays.