Sunday, November 14, 2010

5 Radiator Myths Busted — Automotive Parts Suppliers

With the deluge of information available to people today, it’s difficult to tell which tidbits of info are true and which are merely myths. When it comes to your car and its maintenance, we have to get our facts straight and not just rely on what others say.

Small but terrible enemies from the inner recesses of the car universe

Bugs can’t chew through your radiator like radioactive monsters from comic book hell can. What can do damage though, is when 25% of your radiator becomes their sacred burial ground. This accumulation can indeed cause your cooling system major damage. You can easily fight these creatures with pressure washer, and don’t worry, they won’t haunt you.

Tiny leak, not a problem!

Don’t be in a hurry to dismiss this and wait until you’ve got “time” to address this issue as this tiny hole can become a massive big pain! Small holes can easily become bigger or much worse, it can be an indication of a more severe problem in the cooling system.  Allowing fluid levels to run low will make your life miserable especially in the summer months. Remember, any small problem left unchecked always becomes a big problem, as this may result to bigger repair costs or replacement of parts. Be preventive rather than curative because being curative never focuses on the root of the problem and is a black hole for your hard earned cash.

All Antifreeze/ Coolants are made the same

Being a cheapskate is only good for those quirky fads (like beer mug eye glasses), but never on the essentials. You must learn to sort out parts that you need to invest on and those that you can forego on quality, like patent leather seats. Cheaper coolants do not offer the same additives like corrosion protection, sediment prevention or PH balancing like those of top- quality. A cheaper coolant can evaporate more quickly causing you to use more of the product and in the long run, cost you more.

No need to change a radiator cap that’s still working

Or is it? Your radiator cap needs to be replaced over time as it is exposed to extraordinarily high temperatures and is expected to maintain pressure inside the radiator at the same time. These caps have seals and springs to ensure proper pressure is maintained, but these seals and springs can corrode and crack over time. If these are faulty, think about what might happen if the pressure is unnecessarily released – it would be like a shaken can of soda bursting out of its seams. Keep these seals, springs and cap in working order or it can be devastating to your entire system. Always check your cap whenever you add coolant to your car.

Slow down when overheating in traffic

This is something straight out of the Myth Busters’ page. Revving the engine slightly can actually help push more air across the cooling cores when see the telltale signs of overheating are present, therefore pushing more coolant through the engine and conclusively cooling your engine.

It pays to know your facts. Always do your research and cross- reference before biting into that piece of cookie.

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