Friday, January 21, 2011

Financing Options in Purchasing Your Dream Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Happy New Year guys! Hope you had a merry Christmas and have started the year by deciding to be proactive! If you’ve been dreaming of getting that dream car, then what are you waiting for? The key to achieving goals is to take the first, albeit baby steps. You could do the usual and save up, or you can opt for bank financing or go down the easy route by signing up for a lease-to-own. Whatever option you choose, I have some tips and notes for you in purchasing your dream car.

If you’re familiar with the board game Monopoly, then you’d know that when you don’t have any cash on hand, you can put your properties up for mortgage to get cash. Chattel mortgage is the same, it’s just that “Chattel” is a term for moveable personal property

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