Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Detect a Clogged Fuel Filter | Automotive Parts Suppliers

We all know how important fuel cleanliness is for a car. The cleaner and purer the fuel, the better the engine will perform. While we may do our part to provide cleaner fuel to the engine, cars also do their part to provide the engine the cleanest fuel it possibly can. This is where the fuel filter comes in. The fuel filter is located between the fuel tank and the engine. What it mainly does is to filter the fuel going to the engine — making sure all the impurities are filtered out. Being embedded inside the car, we cannot easily determine if the fuel filter needs to be replaced already without opening the inside of the engine OR taking note of the signs that the fuel filter needs to be replaced. Here are some signs that indicate your fuel filter is clogged:

Watch out for signs that your fuel filter is clogged.

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