Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things I Love About Driving | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I love DrivingI remember the first car that I drove. It was a 1993 Mitsubishi Lancer; a manual transmission and white in color. With that car, I used to zoom down the highways and navigate tight streets, even though it was a time where I was yet to acquire my license.  I then moved on to several cars, but all of them I loved and treated like a girlfriend.

Driving to me is not just an activity where I move from point A to point B. It is something more. It is magical. It is the time when I am truly by myself. It is the time where I can really crank up the volume on my favorite music and smile as my newest speakers thump in the back. It is the time where I can really take a girl out and spend some quality time with her while on the way to a picnic.

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