Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to Treat Rust on Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Rusty CarYou could say that rust particles are like cancer cells that spread on its carriers when left unnoticed and untreated. They are an unwanted and unhealthy nuisance to anything that contracts it. The rust on your car is no exception, and is not simply caused by normal wear and tear. More significantly, rusting occurs when deep scratches expose the metal underneath to moisture and air. When your car paint gets chipped or scratched through the primer coat, the rust spot spreads over time as the base metal oxidizes.

Taking care of small rust spots on a car is easier than most people think. Once they start to pop out, they should be dealt with immediately. Because if these rust spots are left untreated, they won’t stop spreading until your car has completely deteriorated. You sure don’t want this to happen, right?

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