Sunday, February 12, 2012

Top 5 Traffic Violations by Filipino Motorists | Automotive Parts Suppliers

They say driving is actually a privilege, and not a right. It cannot be demanded arbitrarily from the State as it is of public policy that the government regulates who can be a motorist. After all, we can’t just have unskilled drivers out there on the roads causing havoc wherever they go. This is why we have countless government authorities who are assigned to apprehend those who violate traffic laws. But for what reasons are motorists usually halted for?

1. Beating the red light: There’s a popular joke in the Philippines that tell how the yellow traffic light is commonly misinterpreted as a sign that says: “Faster!” Well it isn’t actually just a joke. Most motorists, upon seeing the green light shift into yellow, tend to speed up their vehicles in a dangerous attempt to “save time”. The problem with this is that they do not know how many hidden MMDA officers are surveying their every move.

Traffic Violations

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