Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Radiator Misconceptions: Radiators Help Your Car’s Air Conditioner | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Air ConditioningIn the context of simplicity, nothing can be more enjoyable than driving in your car with the air conditioners open to cool your tired, perspiring bodies (especially in this tropical country’s weather). That’s why your car’s air conditioning system is one of the top priorities of your car’s maintenance next to making sure it runs from point A to point B efficiently and safely. Speaking of important components of your car, the radiator is vital to its engine. Its primary purpose – which is to cool your engine, should not be overlooked.

Overheating is a major dilemma and a terrible thing to have if you own a car. It can cause everything from something as simple as being late to your destination to something a lot more serious like an accident. But a common misconception is out there for some average Joes. (Car buffs don’t need to know about this basic thing). A lot of people think that radiators help your car’s air conditioning system. And I am here to tell you in this article that it is a misconception. Allow me to elaborate.

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