Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Properly Paint Brake Calipers | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Painted Brake CalipersHave you ever wondered about the parts that make your cars stop? If you do, then you probably know about brake calipers. Calipers house the disc brake and disc pads that stop your car once you step on the brakes. If your vehicle possesses open-spoke alloy wheels, this means that your brakes will be visible to the eye as they are not covered by the wheels. Because of this, car owners now have the opportunity to spice up the brake calipers to show them off! Now let us peek into the steps needed to convert your dull calipers into polished stylish ones!

1) Remove the wheels from the vehicle to give you access to the caliper

Depending on the owner, this step can be avoided more so if the wheel space is quite spacious enough for you to easily reach the calipers. But for the best painting precision, it is best to remove the wheels. Start from one side of the car, and then finish off with the remaining side.

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