Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Damaging Cleaning Materials that You Shouldn't Use on Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Cleaning Materials

Sometimes, people think that any random cleaning material can suffice for the overall hygienic requirements of their car. This is just plain wrong. Do you know that a number of cleaning products out there that can actually cause more harm than good to your beloved vehicle? A discomforting fact, but it is what it is. Hopefully, this post will give you peace in its goal to list down five cleaning materials that should never come into contact with your car. Let’s begin.

1) Detergent soaps

A lot of people wrongfully assume that detergent soaps are the same as standard car wash products, which is a gentler kind of soap precisely designed for car cleaning. Detergent soap actually removes the wax properties on the surface of the car’s protective exterior. Due to this, it is not advisable to use detergent soap unless one has plans to have his car waxed after.

2) Products that contain petrochemical and bleach

Petrochemicals and bleach in cleaning materials? Sounds good, right? I mean, these elements seem to promise a high level of cleanliness which we all desire for the cleanliness and maintenance of our car’s tires. However, although these cleaning materials can eliminate all the dirt that engulfs your tires, they can actually make the tires age prematurely as well.


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