Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Everyday Checklist for Preventive Car Maintenance | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Prevention is better than cure. I don’t know about you, but I really believe that statement. Whoever said those magical words is brilliant person who actually thinks practically. The statement doesn’t only talk about a person’s health. Car owners should also think about the fitness of their car. Yes, owners also need to monitor their car’s shape in order to experience great engine efficiency and excellent car performance. But how do you exactly prevent a car’s easy wreck? Keep an everyday preventive maintenance checklist. These are the major aspects of your vehicle that should be given preventive maintenance; check them every day before starting your car.

Battery. Each cell is the chamber of the heart of all electrical systems. Failure of this would prevent your car from starting. Check water level (for non-maintenance free batteries) and dirt or sludge on the connecting poles.

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