Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When Do I Change My Flat Fin Radiator | Automotive Parts Suppliers

When Do I Change My Flat Fin Radiator

Unlike a milk carton which has a shelf life stamped on its label, a Flat Fin radiator does not have an expiration date indicated on its body. If that is so, how would you know when you have to change your Flat Fin radiator? This is significant especially if you are the type of person who wants to make sure his car is in perfect condition so as to prevent any mishaps, such as overheating, which can definitely damage other engine parts, cause delays, and decrease productivity. More so, if you are working with heavy machineries and large generators, you would want to avoid encountering such engine problems.

Unfortunately, it is hard to say the exact duration of your radiator because it depends on different factors such as the weather or the type of car you are using. However, most automotive mechanics suggest that a well maintained radiator can last for at least 8 to 10 years, or even throughout the lifetime of your car.

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