Aside from the usual barricade on stick shifts for new drivers, one of the most important things they have to master is the road. The best drivers have the greatest sense of direction. Despite the convenience of GPS and maps, it all boils down to using skills on figuring a way out. I’m sure everyone has had that moment when they were given clear cut directions to a new particular destination but still ended up lost.
No matter how accurate these instructions can be, drivers still have to anticipate the heavy traffic, detours, road works or even alterations. Everyone knows that men have a keener sense of direction than the ladies, so they have given out some tips for all the newbies out there out to conquer the road.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
How to Develop a Keener Sense of Direction | Automotive Parts Suppliers
Monday, June 20, 2011
Why Now is the Best Time to Get Car Insurance | Automotive Parts Suppliers
Insurance is a good thing. People get insured, their houses get insured, their property get insured – and for a good reason. I’m sure you know about car insurance. Maybe some of you already have this, but for you who don’t have car insurance yet, I’m here to tell you why the best time to get car insurance is now.
I don’t even need to convince you why you have to get car insurance for yourself. It’s a need. It’s a necessity. You lose if you don’t have it. Instead, I’m here to tell you why you have to get car insurance for yourself now. But before I begin, I’ll lead you to logic by telling you what you’ll be missing if you don’t have your car insured now.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Why You Shouldn't Eat In Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers
As a kid, I remember being told not to eat inside our SUV, especially when it was still brand-new. I never really got the logic behind this right away, but for that meantime, I just followed. After a few months, I found out the reason behind this, and I’m here to talk to you about it.
I’m not assuming that you’re also a kid who doesn’t know why you shouldn’t eat in an automobile, but I am sure that you have heard this command before. So, is eating inside your car a no-no? Well, to be logical, anyone can easily conclude that eating in your car would cause crumbs to tumble, resulting in many pieces of food all over the carpet and upholstery. Now, do you want to have crumbs and food bits to be left in your car? Of course you don’t, right? There are plenty of reasons as to why.
First of all, having food bits left in your car (between the chairs, on the carpet, etc) will leave this food-smell in your car. Food is good, right? However, having that same food-smell in your car is very annoying, and is actually unpleasant. Especially with fast food, the smell of deep fried, greasy goodness will stay in your car for several days. Remember that I’m not talking mainly about the possibility of messing your car with the food bits that fall off of your meal, but even the very presence of having it eaten in your car will cause that smell, even if you don’t spill any at all.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
How to Keep Your Mind off the Traffic | Automotive Parts Suppliers
Traffic jams have been always common here in the Philippines. It would be a great miracle to see the infamous EDSA free from crisscrossing public utility vehicles, overtaking private cars, and most of all, motorcycles trying to budge its way through narrow spaces in between cars. I have to admit that even I question the effectiveness of our traffic rules and regulations, particularly the number coding scheme. I always ask myself, “How come we experience traffic every single day when in fact some cars aren’t permitted to hit the road?”
Everyday more and more vehicles add to our very busy highways. And every so often, untoward incidents and road excavations cause motorists to get stuck in a bottleneck. I’m pretty sure that once in your life, as a driver or passenger, you’ve experienced this already. It can be really stressing and frustrating. Let’s face it, traffic jams are a part of our lives whether we like it or not. It’s a great encouragement that we can draw out something positive, from something thought of as negative. This article will give you bright ideas on how one can productively spend time whilst stuck in those darn traffic jams. Below are some suggestions as to how you can keep your mind off the traffic and on the road.
Monday, June 6, 2011
SUV or Sedan? | Automotive Parts Suppliers
Qualities that Distinguish the SUV and the Sedan
Go out on the road. There are two cars that dominate the pavement, and they are sedans and Sport Utility Vehicles. (Not counting the jeepneys, of course.) What is it with these two types of vehicles that they seem to capture the hearts of drivers? One promises reliability and consistency. One shows road dominance and size. Now, assuming you have the cash to buy one of these types, which one suits the best for you?
Two Qualities of a Sedan:
Sedans probably have the best handling on the road, which implies that it can easily be handled by anyone with a license. It can be driven by a man, woman, and even a new driver. Sedan makes the perfect starting car for one who had just gotten his or her license. It’s easy to park and manoeuvre. Also, it is helpful to know that sedans have the best gas mileage. This would be excellent for those who are in need of saving those precious Pesos.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
How Do I Maintain My Flat Fin Radiator? | Automotive Parts Suppliers
June 4, 2011 By (Edit)
Taking care of your Flat Fin Radiator is not a lot of work, but it will definitely make a huge difference and will prevent you from experiencing troublesome surprises on the road. Here are some tips for you to keep your Flat Fin radiator running in peak condition:
- Regularly Perform a Radiator Flush
For your radiator to do its work effectively, it needs to be free from any dirt or blockage. You can make sure your radiator is clean by doing a radiator flush.