Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to Keep Your Mind off the Traffic | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Traffic jams have been always common here in the Philippines. It would be a great miracle to see the infamous EDSA free from crisscrossing public utility vehicles, overtaking private cars, and most of all, motorcycles trying to budge its way through narrow spaces in between cars. I have to admit that even I question the effectiveness of our traffic rules and regulations, particularly the number coding scheme. I always ask myself, “How come we experience traffic every single day when in fact some cars aren’t permitted to hit the road?”

Everyday more and more vehicles add to our very busy highways. And every so often, untoward incidents and road excavations cause motorists to get stuck in a bottleneck. I’m pretty sure that once in your life, as a driver or passenger, you’ve experienced this already. It can be really stressing and frustrating. Let’s face it, traffic jams are a part of our lives whether we like it or not. It’s a great encouragement that we can draw out something positive, from something thought of as negative. This article will give you bright ideas on how one can productively spend time whilst stuck in those darn traffic jams. Below are some suggestions as to how you can keep your mind off the traffic and on the road.

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