Monday, June 6, 2011

SUV or Sedan? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Qualities that Distinguish the SUV and the Sedan

Go out on the road. There are two cars that dominate the pavement, and they are sedans and Sport Utility Vehicles. (Not counting the jeepneys, of course.) What is it with these two types of vehicles that they seem to capture the hearts of drivers? One promises reliability and consistency. One shows road dominance and size. Now, assuming you have the cash to buy one of these types, which one suits the best for you?

Two Qualities of a Sedan:


Sedans probably have the best handling on the road, which implies that it can easily be handled by anyone with a license. It can be driven by a man, woman, and even a new driver. Sedan makes the perfect starting car for one who had just gotten his or her license. It’s easy to park and manoeuvre. Also, it is helpful to know that sedans have the best gas mileage. This would be excellent for those who are in need of saving those precious Pesos.

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