Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 3 Steps of How to Clay Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Sometimes, waxing your car is just not enough. Sure, you finish it clean and shiny. But try placing your hand in some plastic bag or zip-lock and rub it over the car’s surface – you’ll feel the roughness like sand paper. The jagged coarseness is because of contaminants like brake dust and industrial fallout that is burning its way through the car’s paint. In this post, you will learn how to remove these contaminants with a clay bar—with just 3 easy steps!

1.     Wash your car with a dish-washing liquid detergent.

The liquid detergent will remove any wax that may help seal in the contaminants on the paint. But still, regular car wash is made not to strip wax, so it may not be as effective. Hence we go to step 2.

Claying of Car

2.     Take out the clay bar and knead the piece until it gets softer.

You may want to chop the clay bar into three of four pieces just in case you drop a piece. If you drop it accidentally on the ground, throw away the clay because it may have picked up dirt that will scratch your paint. After enough kneading, flatten it.

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