Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is Defensive Driving? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Defensive DrivingAll drivers share mutual responsibilities that pertain to the rules of the road. The lives of his passengers, the driver’s own life, the car’s well-being, and the lives of the people around the road are part of the driver’s responsibilities whilst behind the wheel, whether it be on a furious highway or on a small, quiet street inside a subdivision. Whatever he does, good or bad, will contribute to the condition of the traffic he is in. That is why there is sadness in the thought that most drivers nowadays don’t consider these little things. It is wise to be aware of the basic principles behind driving; one of such principles is called Defensive Driving.

If I were to guess, I would say that most people know the basic meaning of Defensive Driving, especially the ones who drive their own car. Defensive driving is a philosophy that follows a principle of safe driving for both drivers and passengers. The driver who aims to apply this must commit in a style of driving that would avoid all threats of accidents and law-breaking. Defensive driving could be practiced through several ways. Below are the essential tips that, if followed, will lead to efficient and effective Defensive Driving.

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