Saturday, March 10, 2012

Stick Shift 101 | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Learning how to drive can be done in two ways, and it’s either through manual transmission or automatic transmission. Though it’s more convenient to go with automatic transmissions, it takes real guts to choose the more complicated mechanisms of stick shift cars. As a matter of fact, automobiles, during their early existence, were all manual. During that time, the stick shift was treated as the best companion for driving, whether it’s for short distances or faraway road trips. It is not that easy to learn driving using a stick shift when compared to the luxury offered by automatic cars. The good thing about knowing how to use a stick shift is that you’d be granted full control of the vehicle. You’d appreciate how powerful it could be as you explore its varying gears, which is something you cannot do with an automatic transmission.

“Real Driving” is learned when you drive a car that is on manual transmission. So if you successfully master the method of stick shift cars, you’ll surely be able to learn the simpler automatic transmission should you choose to study it later on.

Stick Shift

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