Saturday, April 7, 2012

5 Steps to Becoming a Green Driver | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Environmentally Friendly CarGlobal warming is a phenomenon that can’t simply be ignored. Former United States Vice-President Al Gore has released a documentary called The Inconvenient Truth to raise awareness over the topic. The film received worldwide popularity, and yet, nothing much has changed over the years. The polar ice caps in the Arctic Region continue to melt, the hole in the Ozone layer continues to grow and the Earth’s temperature continues to rise. It’s been regarded that the major cause of all this is excessive carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. This is a sad statistic knowing that millions and millions of vehicles plying the streets all over the world!

But the situation is not at all hopeless. We can do something about it by training ourselves to become a “Green Driver.”  Being a Green Driver entails reducing your carbon dioxide emissions, reducing your fuel costs and, at the same time, increasing your gas mileage. This article has list down the five steps that will help you become a Green Driver.

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