Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Remove Water Marks on Your Windshield | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Windshield Watermarks

On a bright sunny day, you saw that water from a sprinkler has dashed onto your car. You thought that the sun will help in the drying process. However, after an hour, you notice that some water marks have been dried up, creating white, ugly deposits on your windshield. Another scenario could be that of rainwater that has left hardened water spots on the glass.

You know that those water marks can’t do any serious harm to your valuable car parts, but you can’t stand their sight anyway. You immediately try the old trick of removing them with dry paper (usually newspaper), towels and pads with soap and water, but the stubborn marks could not simply be removed. The following are some tools you can use as D-I-Y solutions to this problem:

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