Friday, July 13, 2012

How Many Radiator Fans Does My Car Need? | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

One massive pain that every driver does not ever want to encounter is overheating problem. This is especially true for drivers who live in tropical regions, where most of the year is hot and sunny. Because of this, some even avoid driving during the day. However, overheating can happen anytime, and with this thought, you’d probably think that you need more automotive radiator fans as they are the core components of an automobile’s cooling system. How many radiator fans does your car really need? Let’s find out.

Radiator and Radiator Fan: What’s the Connection?

Radiator FanWhen the car moves, the motor is running and the engine burns the air and fuel mixture. Heat is produced, causing the vehicle’s parts to get so hot. To avoid damage to the engine system, radiators take charge in removing excess heat from the engine even under the most extreme conditions.

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