Friday, July 13, 2012

What you Need to Know about the RPM Gauge | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Amidst fuel price hike and heavy traffic, there are a lot ways to maximize fuel efficiency and save money. One of the ways is to make use of the RPM gauge, which is found near the dashboard. Every vehicle has its own tachometer, where the RPM of the engine is measured. RPM, which stands for revolutions per minute, shows the number of complete revolutions of the crankshaft of the engine every minute. Faster vehicles require more revolutions from the engine, which means that more fuel will be burned.

RPM GaugeHow to read the RPM Gauge

Every time your vehicle accelerates on a particular gear, the pin in the RPM gauge also increases. The value in the RPM gauge should be multiplied by 1000 to get the revolution per minute of the crankshaft of the engine. For example, if the RPM gauge shows 2 RPM, it means that there will be 2000 revolutions per minute.

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