Saturday, December 8, 2012

Top 10 Emergency Tools for your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Just because we are secure inside our car doesn’t mean that we’re safe from the many kinds of dangers outside of it. Sooner or later, we drivers will encounter a tricky and hazardous situation, and the tools that we have with us may be our only ticket home. In this article, let us take a quick countdown of the 10 emergency tools or accessories that are extremely useful for getting out of an untimely ordeal on the road.

10) Back-up Battery

A common downfall in cars is its unexpected shutdown due to an empty battery. Always reserve a back-up battery in your car as this might just save your day. Because an average battery usually lasts 3 to 4 years, take note of the date of when you last replaced your battery.

9) Phone Charger

It’s pretty safe to assume that all people who are wealthy enough to own their own car also has a mobile phone. Like the batteries of our cars, our phones may suddenly run out of juice. And when you run out of both in the middle of nowhere, a phone charger will be your saviour. Always keep a phone charger in your car’s dashboard; this is to make sure that you’d be able to call a friend, a family member, or even a tow truck when the situation demands for one.

Toolbox for Car

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