Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to Stop your Car if your Brakes are not Working | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

A car’s brakes are extremely vital when it comes to proper function and overall safety. Their invention grants us control of our vehicle, which is essential for emergency situations and tight scenarios. But what if they just suddenly stop working at a very alarming moment? In this article, we will discuss steps you may opt to take whenever your brakes fail to do its job.

1) Downshift

As soon as you notice that the brakes are not functioning correctly, immediately downshift your gear to slow the car down which should give you extra stirring stability and control. This may give you the needed opportunity to safely pull your car over to the side of the road. But take caution as you downshift; don’t perform this action in an instant. If you downshift quickly, you risk crashing your car as you lose control of it.

Stopping a Car without Brakes

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