Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to Report a Corrupt Police Officer | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

As good as the world is with its natural beauty and glory, it’s the countless institutions within our society that may drive us crazy. Corruption is rampant even in developed nations, and the police force is contaminated with people who practice such disgrace. That ordinary citizens are exploited by corrupt police officers every day saddens the community. Didn’t they swear to protect and serve the people, and not make them subject to extortion? It is the duty of citizens to step forward and report the bad apples so that other drivers don’t have to experience the same thing.

Corruption in the Philippine National PoliceReporting a corrupt police officer can be kind of tricky, especially with how they are not afraid to abuse the power that is given to them. Therefore, the first thing that you must do when you encounter a corrupt police officer is to not give him any hints that you’re about to report him; any suspicion from him could compel him to resort to drastic measures in an attempt to save his own skin. If he is able to obtain the identity of the person who reported him, stay as far away from him as possible. If push does come to shove, then a restraining order is perhaps your last resort.

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