Friday, February 1, 2013

Metal Stamping: A Simple Explanation | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Metal stamping is the manufacturing of metallic components by applying an extreme amount of pressure to blank pieces or sheets of metal. The purpose of this metal stamping process is to be able to produce formations of any shape and size desired out of the metal sheet. The ability of shaping metal into different shapes has immense importance in any manufacturing industry that you can think of.

Automotive Metal StampingTake the automotive industry as an example. Cars need to have strong, tough and durable materials to be safe and effective mediums of transportation, which only metal can provide. The components of an internal combustion engine cannot be plastic, as it will melt away in a matter of minutes. Neither can the chassis of the car be made of plastic for you will find yourself tumbling in the middle of the highway the minute you breach the withstanding threshold of the plastic material.

1 comment:

  1. Metal Stamping process is an advanced method for creating metal parts for various industrial needs. In major, automotive industry make use of Metal Stamping process for creating outer body panels for car and other metal parts such as seat brackets, seat belt holders, seal stampings and wheel seal stampings.
