Friday, February 1, 2013

Limitations of Electric Vehicles | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Electric CarThe past decade marked the age where electricity can be the foremost source of power of cars. The likes of the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf sparked the popularity of electric vehicles. This breed of cars have a set of considerable benefits such as reduced gas consumption, zero carbon emissions, less noise and less sophistication on the construction compared to regular car engines. However, there are also limitations to an electric vehicle. Here are some of them.

1) Reduced Range

If you only need a car for daily trips to nearby shops and the office, then using an electric car will be perfectly okay. However, if you’re someone who’s fond of long-distance travels and frequent road trips, you may encounter a few problems. As you know, electric cars are powered by batteries, which are not really built for long mileages. This fact may cause anxiousness in this present time, but all should be fine once gas stations become equipped with areas exclusive for charging.

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