Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do Gas Saver Fluids Really Work? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

In the continuing pursuit for ways to save money, many have confidently claimed to possess the best fuel-saving methods and products out there. A few of these trivial methods involve rolling down the windows, keeping the tailgate up or down, turning the air conditioner off, and so on. Several products have also been promoted that purportedly play an active role in saving fuel by manipulating the fuel itself. That’s something that gas saver fluids are marketed to do, and the very purpose of this post is to verify if these products actually work.

Gas saver fluids are additives that supposedly changes the fuel’s properties, making it more efficient in a number of ways. For one, petroleum-based fuels do not combust easily in their full liquid form, although they do if aerosolized. Also, higher octane fuels are more efficient in being converted to the energy that make your car run. The two factors mentioned can, in fact, result to a more efficient fuel. However, there are a few reasons as to why they wouldn’t really work.

Ways to Save Gas

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