Saturday, March 2, 2013

How does Volvo Intend to Build a Crash Proof Car? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

The archives of YouTube have so many car crash compilations that it seems that no driver can be entirely safe on the road, no matter how cautious he may be. To say that car accidents are a bummer is a cruel understatement, and in the world of safe driving, Volvo is taking the lead. The 85-year-old company currently has around 50 engineers working with automotive partners, such as Ricardo UK, on the new crash proof car technology.  Volvo hopes to launch the first accident-free vehicles by 2014. These cars can only run up to 31mph, but faster versions will be available by 2020.

How does it work?

Volvo is coming up with a computerized, self-driving vehicle, which will be installed with high-tech sensors that will take over the car’s steering at times of imminent accidents. It also has the capability of “communicating” with other cars over the airwaves about accidents or congestions ahead, automatically taking avoidance actions along the way. Along with its collision-avoidance features, Volvo’s crash-proof car will also come with a pedestrian and animal detection, which causes the car to involuntarily slow down whenever something is blocking its way.

Here are other significant qualities of Volvo’s very own crash proof car:

  • Volvo Crash Proof Car

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