Friday, July 22, 2011

Keep Your Car Lookin’ Cool, Feelin’ Cool (Proper Maintenance of Aircon) | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Cool Car

Summer is here! This is the time when we will use up some of our days to plan trips to the beach as we spend some time with the sun, sand and refreshing cool water to soothe our skins. While that may be very tempting, it is nearly impossible to spend all of our summer time in the comfort of a little resort getaway. Most of us have to deal with the sun in our urban playground, confined in our cars as we jet from one destination to the next.

Our cars are subject to disasters such as overheating. Unless resting under a cool shade, it is exposed to blistering heat. And the initial appropriate course of action is to blast our air conditioners to the maximum so that we don’t sweat it out in our mobile saunas. While this is the natural and instinctive reaction (and indeed most air conditioners would be able to work in this manner), we have to be wise when it comes to maintaining of our cooling units. Would you rather deal with the dreaded heat when it breaks down?

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