Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things You Can Do When Your Car Widow Is Stuck | Automotive Parts Suppliers

I remember as a kid how my dad would generously give away freshly-baked sweet bread to children as we drove home from school. One gray-skied afternoon, a swarm of kids pounced on our car window as my dad tried to raise the window up. Unfortunately, it got stuck half-way.

Needless to say, the next hour was a lesson in cursing and slapping, which of course was an important lesson that strongly, and positively, affected my adulthood. Though it may seem that I’m about to start a rant about my childhood, I assure you that I am not. Rather, I am here to talk about your car window.

Yes, that beautiful, transparent piece of glass that keeps the smog away from your sensitive nose does create some problems. It can often get stuck in situations like what happened with me and my dad. We can be a victim of a stuck car window in times that we least expect it. We certainly do not want to experience this during a drive under a storm.

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