Sunday, July 10, 2011

LPG Fuel: An Innovation in Fuel Efficiency | Automotive Parts Suppliers

LPGEvery morning I cringe whenever I pick up the newspaper, my heart races in anticipation of the dreaded fuel hike. Whatever reason they may give, I know one thing for certain: everything will be more expensive. It is not only my own transportation expenses from home to work or to the mall, but everything else from groceries  to even buying household items made from plastic.

That was until LPG came into the picture and gave me a breath of fresh air. If you are unaware of LPG, or have heard of it but don’t know what it really is, allow me enlighten you.

LPG stands for: Liquefied Petroleum Gas. In essence, it is a by-product of oil extraction and the whole refining process. I won’t go into the specific technicalities. Rather I will explain why it is such a godsend.

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