Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Top 10 Car Accidents | Automotive Parts Suppliers

As drivers, we at times cannot avoid accidents on the road. This happens, especially, when we are not careful enough of our driving or the reckless driving of others. In 2006 alone, there have been 15,000 car accidents reported by the Philippine National Police. On average, there are 41 traffic accidents per day. It has also been reported that some of the causes of those car accidents are vehicle mechanical defects, speeding, cell phone use while driving, and drunkenness of drivers. These types of incidents often result to fatal damages, physical injuries, and even death.

Do you want to see how dangerous car accidents can be? Here are the top 10 car accidents that have happened in the different parts of the world.

Highway 39 Accident#10: Drunkenness at Hwy 39

This accident was experienced by a girl last April 5, 2008 during a dark and rainy night in eastern Hillsborough County, Florida at the Hwy 39 and Sam Allen Road intersection. The girl, together with her friends inside the car was hit by a car driven by a drunk, who was unlicensed, uninsured, and undocumented. The impact of the collision pushed the girl’s car 170 feet away from its previous state. The good thing is everyone inside the car was buckled up, sparing them from major injuries.

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