Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Properly Install Mags to Your Wheels | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Installing Wheel RimsRecession has hit all of us pretty hard, and in times like these, a task that we normally have the experts carry out for a certain fee can now be done by none other than ourselves. It always helps to be able to save a few bucks. A process in which we would initially think is a hard and daunting task is fairly easy if done correctly. This will serve as a guide for all people out there – including me. This should be able to let us prove to ourselves that what they can do (for a price), we can do also… for free! Ever wonder how you can, on your own, install the mags to your wheels?

First off, every car should have a wheel jack. Use that wheel jack to lift up the tires. Since the wheel is free for work to be done on it, take out the cap that secures the air in it and let all that good old air out. You won’t need them. Having done that, you can now take out your other tools and start unscrewing the bolts that keeps the tire secure. Of course, I am sure you know what the next step will be, take the wheel off so that you can take out the old car mags or, as we say, wheel rims. This step may require a bit of effort, so it is of importance that you are fit enough for some “wheel rim manipulation”.

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