Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why You Shouldn’t Pull Your Handbrake While Driving Fast | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Car Crash

Deep within you may lay a desire called, “The Need for Speed”. I don’t blame you; such a thing can be called the driver’s guilty pleasure. You love the thrill of pushing your ton of steel down an empty road, or snaking your way in between sleepy drivers and startled passengers. While this is all fun and exciting, you would require a very good control of the wheel accompanied with near-perfect foot pedal control. Never think that what you see on the movies or on your favorite racing games is easy. There is a lot of skill involved.

But! I have all the driving skills in the world! Not even Michael Schumacher can touch me!

This is probably the response from a few of you. You might even want to drift your car by pulling on the handbrakes while still at high speed, so that you can skid in around the edges of the road, fulfilling that near-death thrill that you are looking for.

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